Should you cut out meat for your health?

As a cardiologist and professor of nutrition, I'd like to clear up some of the confusion with five myths and five facts about meat.

So much to dispute in that article. Let's start though, with the great vegan hoax concerning the environment.

We associate vegansism and environmentalism as both on the left politically, and very often tied together at the hip. The surest evidece of this is th enotion that "Fact: Beef Production Harms the Environment."

Here is an article published by the UN 8 years ago - the UN! Hardly a bastion of conservative thought. This article is the result of actual, in the field studies that showed that human beings are indeed responsible for climate change. How? Because we decimated the vast herds of grazing cattle that roamed the earth for millennia. This study concluded that the "much vilified livestock are the only thing that today can reverse the desertification that is playing such a critical role in man-made droughts, floods, poverty, social breakdown, violence, cultural genocide and climate change."

Reversing Desertification with Livestock - Our World

And here is a TedX talk by the scientist who led the study:

And here is an article that takes a rather negative view of his argument:

Allan Savory's Holistic Management Theory Falls Short on Science

Now, if this theory is true and that reintroduction of grazing herd animals managed properly can reverse desertification and heal the environement and possibly reverse climate change, why are we not hearing about it?

My guess is that the vegan movement has silenced this side of the argument. And if so, the vegans are not pro-environment. Vegan positions are actually hastening the desertification of the earth, the melting of the polar caps, etc.

Two of the largest dairy distibutors have failed this year. We now have our children drinking almond "milk" and cashew "milk" rather than mammal milk. Drinking milk pre-dates agriculture. But now we are feeding our kids crushed nuts mixed with filtered water for crying out loud! Certainly nothing a cave man or woman would have fed their child. And so we continue to lose herding animals: "All told, more than 2,700 dairy farms have gone out of business in the past 18 months, Borden noted in its filing." That's 2700 farms - so how many more head of cattle have we lost?

Now, I am not so stupid as to think that bringing the dairy farms back as they were operating is the answer. When I was a kid we got our milk from a now defunct dairy farm near my home. It had a modern milking carousel and during the summers my mom would take my brother and I to the farm for ice cream and we could go in and watch the cows getting milked. It was an all day job because the herd was large and it was pastured during the summer. So all day long the farm hands would go into the field and lead the cows in to be milked and then lead them out to another pasture while others brought in the next group of cows.

My understanding is that there are no such operations left in Pennsylvania where the dairy herd is regularly and actively pastured at any time other than when the cows are pregnant. Instead, cows live their entire lives in cow jail eating corn and soybean mash that is not the natural diet for cows in any way.

But let's recall that that was the norm up until the 70's. Pastured cows ... we drank lots of milk. Beef was never suspected as being unhealthy by the public (that started in 1978 with the advent of the government deciding to really turn up the nanny state and tell us what we all should be eating. And in the 70's, global cooling, not warming was the concern.

So, does beef production harm the environment? Perhaps, but not in the way nor to the extent that the vegans would have us believe. If it harms the environment at all it is due to the plant production required to feed cattle stuffed into feed lots and fed a diet that they did not evolve to eat. If methane from cattle is the problem, stop feeding the corn and soy and pasture raise them.

We could fix a great many health problems if we would increase the beef herd rather than decrease it, and if we would open up National lands to these grazing cattle. And we could stop this silly vegan BS for good.

Finally, anyone who wants a god account of the vegan myth should read the book by Lierre Keith called The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability.

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lol I watched the first few season. I don't recall that scene but then again - "the first few seasons were what? 15 years ago? I didn't realize @KOC Agent was making a cultural reference to which I was not privy. Sort of like when I have dinner with my kids.
I don't personally know KOC but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Should you cut out meat for your health?

As a cardiologist and professor of nutrition, I'd like to clear up some of the confusion with five myths and five facts about meat.

And too much heme iron, which gives red meat its color, may explain why red meat increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. Eating red meat often, and eating processed meat even occasionally, is also strongly linked to colorectal cancer.

When you get towards the end of the article it reveals the motive, it's an activist environmentalist artical,that couldnt care less about health