Something to think about that was shared to me by my wife...

Onions and some other things help the body more readily absorb and process zinc. Most folks forget that you can take supplements, but if your mechanism for assuming them and making them useful in the body is week or lacking in other minerals and vits, the body will store them in an unusable fashion or just dump them.

In the case of zinc, in its usable form it helps to combat things like viruses.

Something to think about that was shared to me by my wife...

Onions and some other things help the body more readily absorb and process zinc. Most folks forget that you can take supplements, but if your mechanism for assuming them and making them useful in the body is week or lacking in other minerals and vits, the body will store them in an unusable fashion or just dump them.

In the case of zinc, in its usable form it helps to combat things like viruses.

We LOVE onlons!!! :yes::jiggy:
We LOVE onlons!!! :yes::jiggy:
I consider onions keto and I eat them with almost every meal. I love beef and onions, pork and onions, chicken and onions, beef and pork with onions, beef and chicken with onions, pork and chicken with onions, and beef, pork and chicken with onions.

Also, garlic.
Day Timer said:

Also, garlic.

I like both garlic and onions. Think I'll fry up a pork chop tonight in some.

And isn't garlic supposed to ward off vampires? What about zombies?

Just got in from spreading some fert on the lawn. The retired guy behind me is ahead of me again and his lawn is looking nice a green. Had a chance to speak to her for a bit and let her know about the onions (they are both older).

We got to talking about onion sandwiches which I learned from my mom and she remembers when she was a kid. Strange as it may sound I love a good thick slice of vidalia onion between 2 slices of bread smothered with miracle whip. :rolleyes:

Amazed at what I find emotionally in food now days! :err: