Bad Boy

That is one Jacked Up deal! The only rational thing to do is vote with your feet....across State lines. I can't believe these guys are operating like a circa 1950's company in the year 2014.....Unreal!
So it was the agency that did this, not the company direct?

It was the company directly that did this, not the agency.


That is typical of them.

The winners in this are both Florida Blue and the contracted general agency, who now will keep all of your commissions in perpetuity unless you start fighting with them now.

Blue doesn't care that you aren't paid, they will eventually pay the CGA and then you have to try to get them to pay you.

Don't ever contract with them again, they will just do it to you all over again and again and again (if you let them).

There will be other alternatives for ACA policies in the next OEP in Florida, both UHC and Assurant are entering (at least for now) and the others will probably expand the counties where they offer On Exchange.

Any idea how the premiums will be with Assurant and UHC. I service a population that only cares for price. Fortunately all of these guys pay almost zero and as such won't drop their policies and in this realm you can't beat Humana.
I'm having a hard time believing that a legitimate top-rated health insurer would damage their reputation by withholding/keeping/stealing a relatively small amount of money.

If their reputation was poor prior to 2014, agents wouldn't have written any Florida Blue this year..right?

Florida Blue hides behind their Contracted General Agents, who they always pay, it's just that the money doesn't always get to the writing agent.


It was the company directly that did this, not the agency.


Any idea how the premiums will be with Assurant and UHC. I service a population that only cares for price. Fortunately all of these guys pay almost zero and as such won't drop their policies and in this realm you can't beat Humana.

If your market is low end, On Exchange business then you have a problem although Aetna has a good CSR plan (Aetna Classic 5000) in some areas of Florida. Neither Assurant or UHC had Exchange plans in 2014 so their rates are an unknown for next year. Assurant's Off Exchange rates, however, are very competitive in most areas of Florida so if they follow through without major increases in 2015 you will have a good option.