Bad Night for Mr. Obama


5000 Post Club
For those of us who have held the view for years that reform in some form is coming (think guaranteed issue, subsidies, incentives, penalties), last night was just a confirmation (along with the senate vote) that it is indeed coming. Versus all this crapola talk we hear from time to time from die-hards about how hillarycare never this or that it and it will all blow over when people see the cost etc. Get past that. Some folks here need a little more time and last night's vote should help get you there, but by all means get going because being stuck on stupid is not helpful to any strategy.

Last night's vote was a bad, bad, bad sign for Obama. Yes, the dems won but only by two votes over the 218 they needed, one of which was cast by a Republican who was so flustered by Pelosi's hot body that he lost it. This can happen.

HELLOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! He has an overwhelming majority in the house yet the bill passes by a margin that is tighter than a bull's ass at fly-swatting time? And some of the dems who voted for it said they did so just to keep it moving along but if it comes back from conference in that form they will vote against it. The take-home message is that these dems are thinking for themselves or at least their fear of their constituents is greater than their blind loyalty to the messiah. Take a look at the numbers in that vote and tell me that all dems are still drinking the Kool-Aid. They are not. And this will carry over to Afg, the economy, etc. Any area where Obama needs blind kool-aid drinking is over. These guys fear the next election bigtime and that is a huge, huge factor.Although we can't stop them from being liberal, the challenge now is just to stop a total socialist takeover and with that goal in mind Obama had a bad, bad, bad night. "Yes we can" is not going to be enough.

The bill passed by a couple votes. Anyone here who doesnt think at least a couple votes in there will find reasons to change when they talk to their constitutents at Thanksgiving?

As discussed (and which Al is not able to understand) those who are just partisan hacks crow about which party has more members and if they are in the majority then everything is groovy for them because that is all that counts to them. They see any discussion about the roles of libertarians, conservatives, tea parties etc as a waste of time unless they can actually win a seat. What the partisan hacks dont think about is the shifting mindset of those who may still be of the same party they were but now we have new wine in an old bottle. Thus, Obama had the same number of dems in the house eight months ago but they were all kool-aid drinking, glassy-eyed messiah followers who would pass anything. Now, however, he still has the same number of dems but they are scared shootless about whether it is even okay to be liberal with the next election coming up. If you want to stop the rush to socialism, it is essential to have that.

Also, dont believe any of this crap when people such as Al tell you that they are actually independents who look at all sides rather than liberals. It is the nature of liberalism to never actually stand and be responsible for something, especially a mess they may have created. When the dems have a little victory as they did last night, they start crowing like a rooster again. A few weeks ago when Obama was falling fast in the polls, Al described himself in a post as "almost libertarian." That type of politcal partisan is just a gadfly who wants to always be on the best platform to rabble-rouse and take shots at someone but has no interest in public policy and the future of the Republic. As Obama gets in more and more trouble they will distance themselves from him but do it in an intellectual way that covers up the fact that they are simply unable to man-up to the mess they created (California is wall-to-wall with that type of lib now that the state has tanked). However, if Obama has a little victory from time to time then they will swing over and side with him again as long as he is being treated like the man that they want to be, lacking testosterone of their own.

Personally if I were going into combat and saw my troops just barely pull through in a fight that is only a fraction of the battle to come I would be worried, but that's just me. But if Mr. Obama can go out to the Elks Club in Cutbank, Montana and make a speech to turn things around then go for it.

Another day, same message: Yes health care/insurance reform is coming but it will be less than what Obama, Pelosi, and Reid want. Or it could be everything they want but subject to so many triggers, future funding requirement etc that it is a victory on the books but who the hell knows when it would or could actually be implemented. Obama has finally arrived at the point where he has to actually work for a living. We dont know what that looks like yet.

There was a two vote lead margin on the administration's central program and an election coming up. We all have to do our own thinking but I am going to take a wild and crazy guess that many, many more in Congress are going to continue to gravitate toward the Blue Dogs in the coming months. Moreso than in Obama's direction. Ya think maybe?

Not sayin Pelosi wasnt looking hot cause she was.
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Re: Bad Night for President Obama

Not sayin Pelosi wasnt looking hot cause she was.

Wintafresh, you da man when it comes to politics, but can we please do something about this Pelosi preoccupation?
For Pete sakes, unlike Al, I'm not flambe and I'd rather do Barney Frank.
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Re: Bad Night for President Obama

Send a little email to Barney. I am sure he would be glad to know that and would reply.


Will do.
I need to prepare for the worst and feather my nest along with the rest of these socialist sycophants.
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Actually Al most of the world doesn't have socialized medicine. Either private carriers still administer the plans or people can purchase their own policy. Very few countries have true socialized medicine.
Re: Bad Night for President Obama

If that disgusts you, as I'm sure it does, than get behind Winter and Mr. Barney and march behind a banner that says "Change we can prevent." But before you do, look at Mr. Barney's won-loss record over the past fifty years... vs. mine.

InsuranceSolutions123 Agency

God you and people like you are dinks.
If tort reform was implemented and the border was secured and illegals were given work visas and contributed instead of cost shifted ... and the cost of the current plans went down 30 - 50% ... you would still bitch and say that wasn't enough wouldn't you?
You will not be happy until the govt. runs everything and we all have to wait 6 mos. to see a doctor?
If you think anyone outside of the real money will have it otherwise, then you truly are a 60 something baby.
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Re: Bad Night for President Obama

Actually Al most of the world doesn't have socialized medicine. Either private carriers still administer the plans or people can purchase their own policy. Very few countries have true socialized medicine.

Nothing like a lecture on the impact of social programs from a California lib. Now that there is nothing left to spend there and the state budget is completely and totally run in to the ground they want to come to Washington and show us how it is really done. There used to be a lot of really progressive programs in California that were all enacted because they "were on the right side of history." Unfortuantely the state's fiscal management was on the wrong side of history. Maybe they can offer another round of junk bond sales to get back on the right side again. How did that part about every American getting a home whether they have any income or not so that they could participate in the American dream work out?

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I'm not sure what the argument is about
. We have 6 GI states and Mass. As an example. Funny though, I don't see the House Dems using those states as role models.

Why don't they talk about how it's going in NY.
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And if Al's theory holds true that the premiums don't matter maybe we can research and find out the percentage of New Yorkers who don't have group but choose individual?
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Found it; 17% uninsured in NY - national average is 18%. I guess GI isn't any help if the premiums are high.
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Re: Bad Night for President Obama

I'm not sure what the argument is about
. We have 6 GI states and Mass. As an example. Funny though, I don't see the House Dems using those states as role models.

Why don't they talk about how it's going in NY.
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And if Al's theory holds true that the premiums don't matter maybe we can research and find out the percentage of New Yorkers who don't have group but choose individual?
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Found it; 17% uninsured in NY - national average is 18%. I guess GI isn't any help if the premiums are high.

Other philosophical questions to ponder: Just suppose we have a state that is completely broke and flat on its ass as far as even keeping up current bills due to the preponderence of loon voters. I dont want to pick on anyone, so lets just call it Kalifornia.

Now along comes Obamacare which proposes to substantially increase health coverage through the expansion of Medicaid. One might wonder where a hypothetical state such as Kalifornia would come up with the state matching funds for it. Certainly it could not come from the feds because (aside from the fact that the feds R us because they have no money of their own) the proposed reform bill will not increase the national debt by a dime or else Mr. Obama will not sign it. Good thing we dont have any states that are as bad off as Kalifornia and probably have a rainy day fund of something they could dip into.