Bad Night for Mr. Obama

Re: Bad Night for President Obama

"A lot of politics experts on these boards. lol

What a waste of energy."

Not half as much a waste as the time they spend sitting around listening to that stupid oxy contin popping racist Rush!:laugh:
Re: Bad Night for President Obama

Nothing like a lecture on the impact of social programs from a California lib. Now that there is nothing left to spend there and the state budget is completely and totally run in to the ground they want to come to Washington and show us how it is really done. There used to be a lot of really progressive programs in California that were all enacted because they "were on the right side of history." Unfortuantely the state's fiscal management was on the wrong side of history. Maybe they can offer another round of junk bond sales to get back on the right side again. How did that part about every American getting a home whether they have any income or not so that they could participate in the American dream work out?


CA just keeps selling bonds to maintain the fraud. Didn;t the state just steal 10% out of everyone's paycheck trying to keep CA solvent for another month? They are buying time hoping the credit market will improve and suckers will buy CA muni bonds. Another massive failure for socialism.

Gov. David Patterson came out today and said NY state may go bankrupt by Christmas. He is a lib and party hack but I would gladly take this blind African-American as President over a half-white marxist; born who knows where and probably not even eligible because he refuses to show his BC.

In addition, Patterson who has lousy poll numbers in NY, has been dissed by Obama. The fools in NY voted for Obama and he is far worse than Patterson but they hate Patterson. Suckers.

Patterson has more common sense than Obama, Reid and Pelosi combined. Patterson said if we keep rasing taxes on rich people - they will leave. At least he gets it - Obama doesn't. NY liberalism (especially govt union workers) have bankrupted NY. Obama wants Patterson out and he will be the second African-American punked by the DNC in NY. Carl McCall got the same deal when he ran for Gov and the Dem party cut off his money.

Back to the vote: The lib Dems punked the Blue Dogs Dems led by Bart Stupak who wanted abortion payments left out. A day after the vote - a lib Dem Wasserman-Schultz said they will strip that out. The Blue Dogs got conned BIG time.

The vote might have failed if stupid RINOs/DIABLOs like fat Newt, fat Dede and the RINO GOP hacks in NY-23 district had backed common sense CPA Doug Hoffman instead of RINO Dede.
Re: Bad Night for President Obama

Back to the vote: The lib Dems punked the Blue Dogs Dems led by Bart Stupak who wanted abortion payments left out. A day after the vote - a lib Dem Wasserman-Schultz said they will strip that out. The Blue Dogs got conned BIG time.


That might work if the game were over and the fat lady had sung but the problem is that there is a long way to go. The bill passed by a only a couple votes and to even get that far they needed to strip the abortion language out. Now people are arguing about whether the house bill is dead on arrival in the Senate or whether it will be on a heart-lung machine for six months. That's some zippy choice. Let Wassermna-Shultz put that abortion language back in (as part of reconciliation or via a Senator in their bill). Yeh, that will help. Go for it. If they play their cards right they will leave it out and strip the public option out too and get something passed and then let their plans "grow and creep" into all those areas once it is implemented as all government programs do but instead hey want to get it all upfront despite the fact that Clinton advised them to settle for half a loaf which he wishes he had done.

The truth is that the dems are adrift without the Senator from Chappaquiddick. He would have fought harder and smarter but he would have had a little side discussion with Olympia about putting together a stripped down bill to lock in the areas where there is consensus so that both sides could declare victory but also live to fight for another day. He would have also properly understood that it is better for the dems to be perceived as agreeing to that rather than ending out there after losing a senate battle. Keep in mind that just because the repubs are in disarray doesnt mean that the dems aren't too. They have one messaniacal charismatic leader but it is a wasteland below that. Yes, they have a majority but that is only turning out to prove that they are adrift.
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AL3 your just playing with us now right? I do "SEE" all these people recieving "their"s. I am curoious why you did not ask if we can see the man/woman working in the plant, diggin a ditch or waiting on a customer beteen paydays. Is this not equally measured as progress to those of you who would so joyfully appropriate the fruits of another's toil?

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"A lot of politics experts on these boards. lol

What a waste of energy."

Not half as much a waste as the time they spend sitting around listening to that stupid oxy contin popping racist Rush!:laugh:

a real waste of time is you sitting there spending your time reading all these silly posts:D
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Re: Bad Night for President Obama

yeah and Cohen and Cooper voted yes. Bart Gordon it the one that said it is bad for Tennessee.

I'm on the side of Gordon really, in a local political aspect for Tennessee we could have been fine with just more funding for Tenncare and AccessTN and CoverKids. The programs we have in place are pretty kickass.

I like that our house members voted for what was best for TN, even if it really isn't what was best for the nation as a whole or their party. That's supposed to be their job.

Our risk pool (accessTN) isn't crazily priced, if they just subsidized the risk pool some more we'd have been fine without the whole bill. I wish they'd commission it 1% or something too, I help people enroll in it a lot, feels silly I don't get paid to help.