Bait and Switch?

when the agent came out if was to sign you up.... insurance companys do, send out inspectors, to spot check houses...if you would have kept the same insurance co , they probaly would not have sent an inspector out.... now if you change back they will probably send out another inspector...

What are my rights in this regard? Please help.[/quote]

As an American citizen you have the right to protect yourself and challenge what you find unfair. Why not take the company to small claims court at least if you know that they're in the wrong? Or even report them to the BBB!
Your beef should be with the agent. If he looked at the roof and the trees and issued the policy anyway it is his fault. Most companies randomly inspect properties some inspect 100% of new business. Your agent may of thought that the company would not come behind him to do another inspection. Your other company may have never re inspected your property however as posted earlier if there had been a claim it may have not been covered.

Honestly if there were conditions your agent should have been upfront and let you know it is possible that the company may require you to make the repairs.
American Family Insurance does that kind of thing all the time. They'll take a new client and then some months later during an "audit" they'll send out a secondary inspector who ALWAYS finds something to be unhappy about and will require a tree to be trimmed ( most common complaint ), or some other gripe. Another common one that homeowners just LOVE to hear is "excessive items in yard" Yep, they'll tell you that you have too much stuff in your yard and it's "unsafe". As for the tree issue, If you haven't had to pay for a tree service lately, you probably don't realize how big of a deal this is.. if it isn't something easily fixed by Mr homeowner, it can be a $500 - $1500 fix. Like someone else mentioned, you need to know which companies are anal about things and which ones live in the real world.