Banker's Life on Inside Edition

I just reviewed the video again and though I haven't sold a Bankers Policy in like 11 years muturity date and the end of surrender charges are not neccisarily the same....I sold a ton of 403(b) products and the maturity date on those policies where when the client would be required to take RMD many many many years after the surrender charges would cease.

Once again not defending Bankers but I love how they mention an appointment last 2 hours but show the agent jumping into the talk about clue if there was a question asked by the undercover senior that was leading in that direction...somthing like this.

Senior: All my money is in stock and it has decreased in value tremendously. Is there anything I can do to protect my money?

Camera cuts in

Agent: You need to have your money in a Fixed Annuity

It reminds me of the piece done a couple years ago about annuities. They casually mention they had more than 20 agents visit but only show 2 or 3 the ones who would most back up what they wanted to accomplish.

The part that really annoys me about the annuity piece a couple of years ago is they dragged some of those agents back for multiple visits. At least when they do the child molestor shows they only make the pervert come out once and then arrest them...