Barry's Chicago Side Coming Out


5000 Post Club
Barry warning the dems behind close doors about which mob they belong to and who is really protecting them.

First of all, it is a given that Republicans are going to try to bring down dems and vice versa so thanks for the head's up Barry. What they really fear however is having both the Republicans and centrist independent and moderate dems coming after them, and indeed that is something to worry about.

What a wimp. What happened to the "yes we can" routine?

Obama Warns House Dems that Voting Against Health Reform Won't Shield Them from GOP Attacks - George's Bottom Line
At this point it is difficult to which side will show up first to get the job done.

Mob boss tactics or extortion.
It's not law yet. Some form must pass the Senate, go back to the House and back through the Senate again before it goes to PresBO for signature.
I know, but things like this will shake confidence and make those with cash hold on to it. Watch Monday's futures.