BCBS Doesn't Consider this a Qualifying Life Event.


1000 Post Club
My clients Aetna policies (individual) are being canceled and Blue Cross says tat is not a qualifying event
report them to doi and cms for not following the law

Only challenge is, by the time that filters through the system it will be open enrollment 2016.


Let them get their plan for 2014 then pick them up again in the upcoming open enrollment for 2015.
It is a qualifying event. Both non subsidy directly through blue website and in .gov. We have written a number of this same scenario.
Blue I believe Sam is in another state and that particular BC won't recognize it as sep, even though it is. My suggestion was a way to get around what his BC is telling him.
Blue I believe Sam is in another state and that particular BC won't recognize it as sep, even though it is. My suggestion was a way to get around what his BC is telling him.

I understand. I assumed Florida. Going through the exchange even if no subsidy would be the easy way to sove it.