BCBS-IL Partners with Walgreens


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Want to see what Backdoor advertising looks like? Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois has partnered with the Walgreens drug store chain to promote ObamaCare in Illinois.

Today they launched a new co-branded website that is supposed to deliver "in-depth" information about Healthcare Reform, the Illinois Exchange and what Illinois residents should expect.

The website is: Healthcare Reform | Walgreens

Here's an excerpt from it:
What if I'm already insured?
If you're currently covered by your employer, Medicaid, Medicare or you pay for your own coverage you may not experience many changes. You may have access to new benefits like preventative care screenings, emergency services, prescription drugs and more. If you pay for coverage yourself, you may qualify for new tax credits or financial assistance. You'll also gain the ability to insure adult children up to age 26."

What's wrong with this picture? Not many changes if you pay for your own coverage? WRONG. And insuring "children" up to age 26? That's been available for 2 years now.

The bottom line is that this website has more links to information on Blue Cross and Walgreens products than anything related to educating the public about Health Reform, aka ObamaCare.

But at least this BCBS-Walgreens privately funded collaboration is delivering SOME info to the public. Health and Human Services (HHS) has sent MILLIONS of Dollars to Illinois to do the same thing, yet not a brochure, commercial, sign, or any other media has been publicly disseminated.

Source story for this post: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Teams with Walgreens to Help Educate Consumers in Preparation for New Health Insurance Marketplaces - MarketWatch

Want to see what Backdoor advertising looks like? Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois has partnered with the Walgreens drug store chain to promote ObamaCare in Illinois.

and that is why I built pages for Walgreens health insurance texas years ago....hahahahaha....
Maybe Walgreens and BCBS-TX will offer you a nice sum of $$$ for your domain, STI Broker!