I would prefer to see a plan design where most procedures are allowed charges with high deductibles and HSAs for those that can afford it and copays for those with incomes under $x. My reasoning is that providers need to be paid, HDHP and HSAs work well for those who understand and have money, we need to deliver services at a lower point than emergency rooms and we need to pay for it.
We need access to heatlhcare and avoid the mentalit where we think we can vote ourselves a raise simply having the gubmt pay for it.
Sure we should have voted for Bernie. Many did and the Dems fought against him. We ended up with the worst since Nixon. Perhaps worse than Nixon - certainly more egotistical and corrupt.
Some of us remember Nam and the bloody images coming across daily in stark black & white TV and the demonstrations and social upheaval that was necessary. I talked to a friend of mine who is in his 70s. He reminded me that when he came back from Nam, he couldn't go into a restaurant and order and he & I wouldn't have been sitting at the same table.
Procedure prices need to come down. I have a client that just wrote a 5x higher check to Quest for a simple lab test from a DOS where he didn't have coverage. There is no reason for the up charge essentially for out of network. Even the network charge is above Medicare.
We need something different with healthcare but not another cluster headache with premiums as high as we have now.
We need access to heatlhcare and avoid the mentalit where we think we can vote ourselves a raise simply having the gubmt pay for it.
Sure we should have voted for Bernie. Many did and the Dems fought against him. We ended up with the worst since Nixon. Perhaps worse than Nixon - certainly more egotistical and corrupt.
Some of us remember Nam and the bloody images coming across daily in stark black & white TV and the demonstrations and social upheaval that was necessary. I talked to a friend of mine who is in his 70s. He reminded me that when he came back from Nam, he couldn't go into a restaurant and order and he & I wouldn't have been sitting at the same table.
Procedure prices need to come down. I have a client that just wrote a 5x higher check to Quest for a simple lab test from a DOS where he didn't have coverage. There is no reason for the up charge essentially for out of network. Even the network charge is above Medicare.
We need something different with healthcare but not another cluster headache with premiums as high as we have now.