Best Cost Plan for 83 Yr Female

I understand the price advantage at 25K with RNA but she only wants 15K face. Does anyone know of any competitive companies( fully underwritten plans) for this situation?

So she would tather pay more for $15000 than $25000 just so she can say she has $15000?

RNA is about $193/mo for $25000. Monumental is about $172/mo for $15000. So, it's not more for $15000 but the additional $10,000 coverage only costs her $21/mo.
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I'm not sure if this will help but I do remember seeing this thread:

I'm not sure what their issue ages are for the product that they're talking about...

I would go along with everyone else and lead with SIWL. If she is staying at $10,000

Not saying I would do this. But here is the Cincy $10,000.00 quote. $101mo. paid up at age 100

FYI $25,000.00 GUL is only about $ fully underwritten. Midland
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Thank you Rouse.

Show 'em both. Let HER decide. You profit either way.

Make it easy to make her a client.

The only way she doesn't pick the 25K for the same money is if she is in her second childhood... :)

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I disagree. When Fallon does stuff like this, he's brilliant:

I agree, I think that's where he's at his best. He can become other people and characters, that's why he was so funny on SNL. When he's just being himself, I'm with TD...not so funny.