Best Medicare Supplement Carriers

Something else to consider when selling Med Supp's:

The plans that cover the "B" deductible;(C,F,J) Seem to have
the largest % of rate increase.

This has been my experience also. Another reason I recommend Plan D. One of the companies had an increase a couple of years ago. Their Plan F went up 25% but their Plan D only went up 9%.

My clients didn't even hardly notice a 9% increase and none of them bitched about it.

Most companies or at least more than a few practice what I call
"Buying Business" In the Med Supp market! They throw the low
premium hook out, and in 2-3 yr's their rates are not so competitive any longer.

Almost all new companies that come to Missouri have done the same thing. That is why I don't immediately license with them. Usually it is in 18 to 24 months. I explain this to my clients. I never start scrambling to move my clients to the newest, cheapest kid on the block.

I doesn't matter who you are; Nothing will discredit the trust you thought your client had with you, like one to many rate increases will ! Yes I know, this is where "service" comes into play. Hopefully they are insurable so you can offer a different product. "Keeping them on the Books"
