Best Monthly Premium FIA


100+ Post Club
What's the best FIA right now for those looking at getting started with annuities? Details?
Please no comments about putting money in securities. ..just want monthly FIA products designed as entry level
What's the best FIA right now for those looking at getting started with annuities? Details?
Please no comments about putting money in securities. ..just want monthly FIA products designed as entry level


It is going to depend on some other factors, mainly the following.

1.) Age of the client
2.) Single or Joint payout
3.) When they want to start the income stream
4.) State
5.) Guaranteed vs Non-Guaranteed income (meaning does the client want the highest guarantee they can get or do they want a lower guarantee with potential to get higher)
6.) Increasing Income (inflation adjusted) or level payment

One you become more familiar you'll start to know what carriers typically have a higher income based on how long the client defers the income.

One way to really help folks get the most money is by using a few different products and laddering the income. If you can sit down and help the client understand a real income plan you can help them get a lot more money over the course of their lifetime and helping them solve for Inflation. You'll need to get a budget put together itemizing out all of their income and all of their expenses and then it's just finding the solution. If you ever need help on this just give me a call and I'll do a screen share of the way I solve this, although I'm sure there are many other ways.
