Best Rates for Someone with an Alarm?

Maybe he is interested in which company provides the deepest alarm discount so he can market to agents who represent that company.

Rather than try to sell on discount check your target city's crime statistics and sell based on the number if home invasions in the area and that home has a 70% chance of not being invaded with an alarm.

Selling on discounts or price is like a drug addiction. When rates go up (and they always do) and you're not the lowest price, the withdrawal symptoms for not discounting again are too severe.

Sell on how your system can save a family's life -- Which is priceless. Use the homeowner discount as an extra smile you leave on their face after you close the sale.

Sorry I have done a poor job explaining my goal.

This is along the lines of what I am looking for. Current carriers who offer the best discount rate for someone having an alarm system.

I offer the agent who refers me a finders fee of $200 and I will send the agent proof of installation so there is no issues with underwriting. That is the incentive I throw out there for the agent for him/her to refer business to me.

A customer who gets a special offer on an alarm system, discount on their home owners insurance, and a recommendation from their insurance agent makes these great sales to close at around a 70% closing rate for me.

As I said earlier I work with a handful of AAA agents and I am trying to find another group of agents that would be a good fit for me and help me grow my business.