Best Short Term and Accident carriers


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What is the best short term and accident benefits available for U65 especially the 60-64 range?
I love allstate stm and indemnity plans. Rarely have claim problem. Good people and reps. I can't say "best and stm" in same sentence though
I love allstate stm and indemnity plans. Rarely have claim problem. Good people and reps. I can't say "best and stm" in same sentence though

Yea well STM is only for small % but there is always one here or there that need it

I am speaking to someone today might need it for his wife while she just started a job and has to wait 3 months before cov begins
I won't write 3 mo policies. Not worth risk vs commission amount

Really? the type I'm talking about is this guy who is a T65 lead his wife is starting a job and needs 3 month policy till hers starts

what is bad about that?
Really? the type I'm talking about is this guy who is a T65 lead his wife is starting a job and needs 3 month policy till hers starts

what is bad about that?
If getting t65 biz, then it might be worth it. But I would still CYA with response email that they've read the exclusions and limitations of the stm plan. All it takes is one pre ex condition liar or "I forgot about that squamous cell" answer
For a long time we were writing 12 month STM policies for traveling nurses. No offered benefits and the only way for some of them to get national network coverage (UHO). New rule is going to be really tough on that group.