Big Red Flag! Gov. Will Have Access Experian Credit Info.


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Did anyone catch the module in the CMS certification about sources the government will data mine when you apply for the subsidies ?

Looks like you will be giving the IRS access to Experian, and Equifax etc.
You are giving not only the govt but all the navigators and who knows what else access to your life history IF you buy through the exchange.

The credit bureaus are tied in to verify employment and (I believe) wage levels.
Looks like you will be giving the IRS access to Experian, and Equifax etc.

Experian, the IRS, and the SSA are already partners. The SSA no longer sends out annual earnings statements. You have to access them online on the SSA a website. When you register on they're going to ask you questions like: What bank is your child's student loan with? How many months was the term on your last car lease? These security questions are all as a result of an Experian and Social Security partnership.
Required reading back in High School...maybe it's why I'm a little nervous. I'm not a conspiracy theorist and I have nothing to hide, but how much does the government really need to know about me?

Everybody has something to hide.

If you don't, how about you e-mail me your SSN, bank account info, e-mail password, ATM pin code, and those naked pictures your wife sent you? I'll take your medical records, STD tests, and any embarrassing pictures anyone may have taken of you your entire life as well. I'd love to see your Google search history as well, I'm sure there's something juicy in there. How about you forward me every text message you ever sent, even those inappropriate ones to other women your SO doesn't know about.

Like I said, everything has something to hide. It may not ruin you, it may not put you in jail, but I'd be damned if there isn't something in your life you'd like to keep to yourself. We have a right to privacy, and it was stripped from us in the past few years and no one seems to care.
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Some estimates are you are on a camera 70-300 times a day and can be triangulated by your cell phone the rest of the time, so I think the privacy ship has sailed. In the Hernandez case, they had his every movement and timeline the next day after he got home.
Of Course....whenever you apply for gov.assistance, they have access to all that info. Probably can get your bank records, stocks, etc.

Big Brother....moving in.
Of Course....whenever you apply for gov.assistance, they have access to all that info. Probably can get your bank records, stocks, etc.

Big Brother....moving in.

I guess my main question is: why are we allowing this to happen? We are all rolling over when it comes to accessing our personal information.

If we don't stand up to this garbage, it's going to continue to happen. I've been telling everyone that listens, that the the folks signing people up for the exchanges are not licensed, not background checked, hardly supervised and barely educated. Do you want them to have access to your personal information?