Bill Me in a Week?

wait a minute, ur telling me I could rank up $1k in leads with netquote and not pay till the next month?

Yes you can, but if you do & have a new Credit card issued like MPS, trust me, they will track you down for the new number & charge your card.

Why would they do this? It appears people are inclined to spend more money when they don't know how much they are spending! So by billing you automatically via your credit card in Arrears, folks just happen to spend more money! And when the agent complains, NQ says: You got all the leads in your email in-box!

Guess who's going to win the dispute?

Our system takes just $100 on your credit card. We Notify you when the balance is <= $30 that soon, when your account is <=$15 we will automatically bill your card to put the balance back to $100. When it reaches <= to $15 we again send you an email letting you know.

Guess what? We get Many agents calling or going online to pause a few days when this happens. Why, because they are managing their lead spend & money.

IMHO, this is a MUCH better & Safer way for an agent to budget his money for leads. IS this Better for my Company? NO! I'd be better off to let you keep getting leads & surprise you with the $1000 automatic charge to your credit card the next month.

I have taught many, many classes at my church on living debt free & I can tell you the NQ way will BURY most agents and Surprise them with a Bill they did NOT anticipate!

But, if you want to borrow money this way, I cannot stop you.

Best of Luck no matter what you decide.

I Reserve the Right to get Smarter! :idea:
You have to also remember it's more than just billing, it's service, it's how they credit, it's can you talk to someone or email for help? And the biggest one of all for me, Are they reasonable?

By reasonable I mean if I've done the footwork, verified the lead as bad, do I still have an argument on my hands? Some lead vendors are basically just shouting matches as you try to explain Mike Hunt isn't a real person but a crude joke and 12345 st. doesn't exist and they just argue that it met the parameters.
There was a company that charged an upfront fee as a set up fee and then shared in your commissions but last I checked, they were out of business.