Bill Passes in Senate.

Winter briefly touched on the topic of seniors. They (their physicians) are funding the majority of this bill and I worry about that.

Might be time to end a few wars to free up some cash!
Winter briefly touched on the topic of seniors. They (their physicians) are funding the majority of this bill and I worry about that.

Might be time to end a few wars to free up some cash!

Oh that would be the smartest thing this country did!

Health Insurance Problems, ever had a Radical Muslim stare you in the face? How about a Mosque built right next to your business.

Even as Weak as Obama is, it took weeks for him to decide if he should committ more troops to the War he agreed with.

For once he undertstood the True consequences if he didnt.
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Oh that would be the smartest thing this country did!

Health Insurance Problems, ever had a Radical Muslim stare you in the face? How about a Mosque built right next to your business.

Even as Weak as Obama is, it took weeks for him to decide if he should committ more troops to the War he agreed with.

For once he undertstood the True consequences if he didnt.

Let's see now. Obama's Copenhagen Cap and Crap plan acknowledges that developing countries such as China cannot afford to purchase their own nocturnal emmissions credits so the developed countries must give them financial aid to save the world. So we are going to borrow money from China to give China money to buy emmissions credits so that they dont have to lower their production while we are competing with them.

Yup. I guess we will just have to pull the plug on grandma. Can't think of any place else where we could cut back.

Change we can believe in.
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I often wonder if politicians and partisans (both sides) expect to be taken seriously, or if they just like to be silly. Here's the latest example. When Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer was asked whether he feels there will be a backlash on Democrats as a result of the health care bill, he said this:

"It is going to become more and more popular because it is good for America, good for the American people, and a true symbol of what we can do if we all pull together."

If we all pull together? Precisely who would you say "we" is? The Republicans were locked out of the process, probably more blatantly than a party has ever been locked out of a critical process in the history of this freaking country. We?

This bill may turn out to be a great thing, one of the finest pieces of legislation ever produced in America. Beats the hell out of me. But to say that there was any "pulling together" just shows how stupid politicians think the American public is.

Or maybe Chuck is just being silly.

When viewed from one angle, there is merit to the argument that every major issue that conservatives have supported has lost ground and the public policies that have been adopted are contrary to what conservatives hoped to maintain a while longer such as : liberty, free markets, freedom from socialism, national security, and an end to the expansion of the New Plantation which the vast network of entitlement programs that enslave our people.

Without doubt liberals have prevailed in efforts to adopt policies that will undermine all of the above. Probably the years of conservatives fending off communism in Europe worked against the lib policies for a long time too but now we are on an accelerated track to play catch-up in becoming socialist.

Progess? A better Republic? Change you can believe in? You decide.
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Liberalism is a much easier sell. Examples:

If someone has achieved more than you, it's not your fault. It's not like they worked harder, sacrificed more, and remained more disciplined. They just lucked into it, or it was given to them. The government will help you, you're a victim.

If someone has more than you, you deserve some of it. They don't need all that. They should be punished economically because they're evil, mean and greedy, with you getting the proceeds. The government will help you, you're a victim.

If you're a member of a minority (well, certain minorities), you automatically have no chance of success unless the government helps you. You certainly can't do it on your own. The government will help you, you're a victim.

If success requires hard work and you don't feel like putting out that much effort, you shouldn't have to. We'll get you hooked up with other people's money. The government will help you, you're a victim.

It seems to me that, after hearing this for a few decades now, many Americans have completely bought into it. Not unlike the way people in radical mosques buy into what they are told about America. Brainwashing, essentially. Lots of Americans never really had a chance to chase their dreams, because they were told they were helpless victims since birth. All in the name of "compassion", good gawd.

I don't think there is any doubt that the country is continuing to move left, and looking at the demographics, I suspect that trend will continue, especially with the tactics mentioned above.

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If someone has more than you, you deserve some of it. They don't need all that. They should be punished economically because they're evil, mean and greedy, with you getting the proceeds. The government will help you, you're a victim.


Don't forget that if we have a hurricane and you see an opportunity to take a shopping cart full of designer jeans and a big screen TV to survive that it is not your fault. It is the Man's fault for creating this society that you live in.
Al - you've convinced me.

I appreciate the extra freedom that the republicans gave us for the patriot act.

I appreciate the Part-D plan that the republicans gave us.

I appreciate being forced to pay for a retirement plan that will likely not exist when I need it.

I appreciate that the law says I must buckle my seat belt in case I cause myself harm - but I can eat all the big macs I want.

I appreciate the warning labels on cigarettes because without them I would still be smoking (and not just smoking hot).

I appreciate that I am not the owner of my own body and must receive an FDA approved drug to cure me or make me feel better.

I really appreciate being forced into a medical plan because some jackass in DC thinks he knows better than me what plan I want.

And finally, I appreciate the fact that we will soon be about as free as the Soviet Union.

No one likes this bill but it is all we could get and I'm willing to give it a try. If it doesn't work, well you will have the last laugh and will be able to easily elect your sainted conservative Republicans to office. I would think you would LOVE this bill!

Al the problem with this attitude is that Government programs once created never die so we can't just try this and see if it works or not...I'd be willing to give goverment programs a try if the bill had a kill provision requiring reauthorization like they did with the Bush tax cuts. Then if after 5 years and things are not working the program dies and we can start over.

I think the worst part of this is I truly believe we do need to make changes to the healthcare system now because the costs are rising some much faster than wages in 5 or 10 years you won't be able to afford the coverage we have now.

Now I live in Maine and as we all know Maine is GI my state realizing people couldn't afford insurance premiums came our with the Dirigo program They left all the mandates in so insurance inside Dirigo is just as expensive as outside Dirigo and then tried to subsidize everyone on Dirigo to premium rates of non-GI states as we have found in Maine it doesn't work the money has to come from somewhere and initially it came as an added tax on other health insurance programs can you believe that to lower premiums they caused other peoples premiums to be jacked up for the common even though Dirigo is a total failure and covers about 7,000 people (It was supposed to cover 35,000 in year one and cover 125,000 people by now) they refuse to kill the program even though enrollment has been closed for years as they search for a new tax to expand Dirigo. Maine recently did a citizens repeal of a new tax.