Book Recomendations

I recently re read Frank Bettger's book, "How I Raised Myself ...... " To me, it is the most relevant book on insurance sales and systems that I have read. Not up to date, (written long before the computer age), but very adaptable.
By the way, there's enough info on this forum to write a darned good book on final expense sales.
Another oldie but goodie is "How to Master the Art of Selling" by Tom Hopkins

just read it when you're not prospecting or giving presentations or writing apps or sending in apps or... you get the idea.
I'm a Twitter/Blog junkie now. Hard to read an entire book when there's so much relevant content linked. I do enjoy Harvey Makay's (Swim With The Sharks) weekly syndicated article in the Business Journal. He was the keynote speaker at a conference I was at in Vegas and it had a profound impact on me. He really is someone who has done it all, not just writing about it. His ideas on Networking are off the chain.
I've read all the major sales books back to front over the past 10 years, and it all comes down to fundamentals.

-Are you seeing the people?
-Are you asking for the appointment?
-Are you properly conducting a needs- and wants-analysis?
-Are you positioning yourself competitively?
-Are you asking for the business TODAY?
-And are you still seeing the people?

In my opinion, I believe prospecting accounts for the majority of one's success. And following the others even to a moderate level will account for above-average success in sales.