Brand New Agent Need Help


New Member
Hi, I just graduated from college in May and thought I would give life insurance sales a go. I have no prior experience (I got my Masters in History). I'm pretty good with people and I can talk o.k. I guess but I just can't get anyone to sit down with me and talk. My 'natural' market is completely caput. Noone needs help or wants to talk to me. I'm out of ideas. I guess I could cold call but who do I call? Do I just get in the phone book and start dialing? I'm so lost and my bosses really aren't giving me any support. Any advice for an extreme newbie would be much much appreciated.
Hi, I just graduated from college in May and thought I would give life insurance sales a go. I have no prior experience (I got my Masters in History). I'm pretty good with people and I can talk o.k. I guess but I just can't get anyone to sit down with me and talk. My 'natural' market is completely caput. Noone needs help or wants to talk to me. I'm out of ideas. I guess I could cold call but who do I call? Do I just get in the phone book and start dialing? I'm so lost and my bosses really aren't giving me any support. Any advice for an extreme newbie would be much much appreciated.

Have you looked at Final Expense life to get some money flowing in? If you want to talk about it you can email me and we can go over some ideas. I sure wish I was in life insurance when I was your age. Keep at it and you will have a very nice lifestyle when you are older!!

[email protected]
I suggest that you also look at the Med Supp market.

If you would like to discuss it further give me a call, 573.544.4091. There is no bad time to call me. I had an agent call me this morning at 6:20am. I was still working on my first cup of coffee. :D
I just can't get anyone to sit down with me and talk

What works for me when trying to set an appointment is to ask the potential client this - "when's the last time you had a chance to review your insurance plans?"

Most people haven't looked at their coverage in some time, if at all. Tell them you can meet over a cup of coffee and it won't take but a few minutes to do. Also let them know you won't offer anything that a) they don't want, or b) they don't need.

Most people assume you will try to sell something regardless of their situation, so often the first goal of your intial conversation is to dissuade them of that idea. Yes, you want product sales, but the main goal of that intitial talk is to set the appointment.
My advice would be to find a product you can easily beat, and book appointments with people who have that product. The way I book appointments is by cold calling people from the public directory. If you are looking to target a very specific demographic then you may have to purchase lists. Too often agents say too much when they are on the phone trying to book an appointment. Sell them on the appointment without telling them everything you want to tell them during your intial phone call.
By public directory you just mean the phone book?

I've heard the thing about just going for the appointment but I'm not sure how to do something that simple. I will call people cold (I've called most everyone I know but it still feels like a cold call) and I'll tell them I"m looking to help people their age with their finances and if they are already meeting with a financial adviser. If not I ask for an appointment if they are then I ask if they are happy with the adviser they currently have and if they are that's the end of the conversation. Not sure if I"m doing it right.

Also, I'm really just out of people to call. I'm thinking of just hitting up the phone book but I'm not sure I want to purchase a list of qualified leads, I've heard some really negative things about doing that.
By public directory you just mean the phone book?

I've heard the thing about just going for the appointment but I'm not sure how to do something that simple. I will call people cold (I've called most everyone I know but it still feels like a cold call) and I'll tell them I"m looking to help people their age with their finances and if they are already meeting with a financial adviser. If not I ask for an appointment if they are then I ask if they are happy with the adviser they currently have and if they are that's the end of the conversation. Not sure if I"m doing it right.

Also, I'm really just out of people to call. I'm thinking of just hitting up the phone book but I'm not sure I want to purchase a list of qualified leads, I've heard some really negative things about doing that.

No, you are not doing it right, you are doing it they way you were told. You were told to start with your "warm" market as in project 100. That is a sure way to lose friends and piss off all of your relatives.

I sell Med Supps. I do not buy leads, I generate my own leads by contacting strangers. They are a lot easier to deal with than friends and relatives. Other than my mother I have actually suggested relatives take their insurance with another agent. It makes my life so much easier.

There is no such thing as purchasing a list of qualified people. That is the agent's job, to find the qualified people.

This job should not be called "selling insurance" because that isn't what most of us do. We "prospect for insurance". Probably close to 80% of an agents time is spent prospecting, only 20% is the fun, enjoyable part of writing apps and getting paid.

Agents who know how to prospect will never be without someone to sell a policy to.
Get a hold of Frank. He has a lot of respect from many newer agents i have spoken too.

Good Luck.

Hi, I just graduated from college in May and thought I would give life insurance sales a go. I have no prior experience (I got my Masters in History). I'm pretty good with people and I can talk o.k. I guess but I just can't get anyone to sit down with me and talk. My 'natural' market is completely caput. Noone needs help or wants to talk to me. I'm out of ideas. I guess I could cold call but who do I call? Do I just get in the phone book and start dialing? I'm so lost and my bosses really aren't giving me any support. Any advice for an extreme newbie would be much much appreciated.
I'll tell them I"m looking to help people their age with their finances and if they are already meeting with a financial adviser. If not I ask for an appointment if they are then I ask if they are happy with the adviser they currently have and if they are that's the end of the conversation.

You are giving them an out, twice actually, with this script - two reasons NOT to agree to an appointment. The first is asking if they already have an advisor, and secondly if they are happy with that person. Most people will answer yes to one of those qualifiers and there goes the potential appointment.

The only goal of that phone call is to set the appointment, not to find out if they have an advisor. Shoot, the advisor they do have might be doing an incredibly crappy job re: planning, but the client doesn't know it. (How many people do we meet with high mortgages, kids, loads of debt, spouse etc. and with only $100,000 of life insurance and they think it's more than enough?)

That's why I always ask about just reviewing their current plans, won't take but a few minutes, etc. Everytime you open with a question that allows an "out" for the client they almost always will take it and you won't get the appointment.
Also you want to market yourself in at least 3 ways. It will take a little time to get yourself profitable but in the long run if you stick it out and follow a well written game plan you will be happy being self employed vs. working for a boss.

1. website (get seo help)
2. leads (i will keep source to myself)
3. mail list with phones, emails, address (find your own filters)
4. follow up, follow up, follow up
5. master your guidelines (this is most important)

Good luck... :yes:

Hi, I just graduated from college in May and thought I would give life insurance sales a go. I have no prior experience (I got my Masters in History). I'm pretty good with people and I can talk o.k. I guess but I just can't get anyone to sit down with me and talk. My 'natural' market is completely caput. Noone needs help or wants to talk to me. I'm out of ideas. I guess I could cold call but who do I call? Do I just get in the phone book and start dialing? I'm so lost and my bosses really aren't giving me any support. Any advice for an extreme newbie would be much much appreciated.