Bugs on Client Premises

Re: Bugs.....

"I'm allergic to cats, do u mind we do it right here?"

This reminds me of a recent appt, one that I had hoped to forget... Door knocked this gal and she invited me in. Strong cat smell and there sits "Smokey", an 18# grey male cat. We sat on the sofa... and I began smelling a strong cat feces odor... only to realize that there were several 'cat presents" at the foot of the couch... and you guessed it, the heal of my shoes had stepped right onto one of them. Yuck $&*%#

Periodically the odor was over bearing. I was rubbing my shoe on the carpet to wipe off the excrement... and all of a sudden the odor became so strong that I thought I was going to yack! The client's Mom had called and she was talking on the phone, I am gagging and nearing the point of heaving... so I went to the sink and got a drink of water... which seemed to save the day. We finished business shortly thereafter with a $ 275 AP... sale.

What a FE guy won't do for a few bucks... I've been in some nasty homes but never come close to yacking like that before... good thing that I hadn't recently eaten anything or it would have come flying up with the stench of the cat poo. I immediately removed my shoes and disinfected them... before getting into the car... and drove away trying to erase that 60 minutes from my memory bank.
Re: Bugs.....

This reminds me of a recent appt, one that I had hoped to forget... Door knocked this gal and she invited me in. Strong cat smell and there sits "Smokey", an 18# grey male cat. We sat on the sofa... and I began smelling a strong cat feces odor... only to realize that there were several 'cat presents" at the foot of the couch... and you guessed it, the heal of my shoes had stepped right onto one of them. Yuck $&*%#

Periodically the odor was over bearing. I was rubbing my shoe on the carpet to wipe off the excrement... and all of a sudden the odor became so strong that I thought I was going to yack! The client's Mom had called and she was talking on the phone, I am gagging and nearing the point of heaving... so I went to the sink and got a drink of water... which seemed to save the day. We finished business shortly thereafter with a $ 275 AP... sale.

What a FE guy won't do for a few bucks... I've been in some nasty homes but never come close to yacking like that before... good thing that I hadn't recently eaten anything or it would have come flying up with the stench of the cat poo. I immediately removed my shoes and disinfected them... before getting into the car... and drove away trying to erase that 60 minutes from my memory bank.

I think pets (namely cats) are as big or greater problem than bugs.
Re: Bugs.....

I have seen the mice and bugs, and pure filth. I also had some guy offer me a beer to drink during an MA appt last Fall. I think it was Old Milwaukee so I declined the offer.
Re: Bugs.....

We haven't been hom from church and Easter dinner very long and I'm sure I could have saved gas and time and all if I had just called the preacher instead of going to church.

Something about that just doesn't fell right though.:yes:
Re: Bugs.....

This reminds me of a recent appt, one that I had hoped to forget... Door knocked this gal and she invited me in. Strong cat smell and there sits "Smokey", an 18# grey male cat. We sat on the sofa... and I began smelling a strong cat feces odor... only to realize that there were several 'cat presents" at the foot of the couch... and you guessed it, the heal of my shoes had stepped right onto one of them. Yuck $&*%#

Periodically the odor was over bearing. I was rubbing my shoe on the carpet to wipe off the excrement... and all of a sudden the odor became so strong that I thought I was going to yack! The client's Mom had called and she was talking on the phone, I am gagging and nearing the point of heaving... so I went to the sink and got a drink of water... which seemed to save the day. We finished business shortly thereafter with a $ 275 AP... sale.

What a FE guy won't do for a few bucks... I've been in some nasty homes but never come close to yacking like that before... good thing that I hadn't recently eaten anything or it would have come flying up with the stench of the cat poo. I immediately removed my shoes and disinfected them... before getting into the car... and drove away trying to erase that 60 minutes from my memory bank.

You were brave (if that would be the correct word) enough to actually use a glass in the kitchen to get a drink of water? :skeptical:
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We haven't been hom from church and Easter dinner very long and I'm sure I could have saved gas and time and all if I had just called the preacher instead of going to church.

Something about that just doesn't fell right though.:yes:

Never phoned in one of my sermons but I guess it could work!:laugh:

As far as anyone knows, we had the largest attendance our small church has had in its 100+ years existence. Don't know where all the folks came from and some of our regulars were out. Unfortunately, probably won't see them again for another year... Hope everyone has enjoyed their day.
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Re: Bugs.....

You were brave (if that would be the correct word) enough to actually use a glass in the kitchen to get a drink of water? :skeptical:.

Brave or stupid... depending upon ones perspective.
However, the choices were few; stand up and spew, leave abruptly for some air or try the water... Fortunately I haven't come down with anything (yet). I suppose I could still be in the incubatiion period for certain strains...

That is one potential benefit of working the FE mkt is that it must bolster your immune system because there is exposure to who knows what... [best not to think of that too much]
Re: Bugs.....

You were brave (if that would be the correct word) enough to actually use a glass in the kitchen to get a drink of water? :skeptical:
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Never phoned in one of my sermons but I guess it could work!:laugh:

As far as anyone knows, we had the largest attendance our small church has had in its 100+ years existence. Don't know where all the folks came from and some of our regulars were out. Unfortunately, probably won't see them again for another year... Hope everyone has enjoyed their day.

Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Bugs.....

If I was cold calling then I would be a bug. However, I don't cold call people, I work leads.

In fact, I call leads on the phone just like JD does. The only difference is that when he has an interested party on the phone, he drives an hour away to meet them (incurring the risk of a no-show, one legger, or just hearing a "no").

I, on the other hand, continue the phone conversation and will know in about 30-45 min. if I have a "no" or a "yes". No wasted gas, no wasted driving time, no frustration of driving to a "no-show" or a "one-legger". Don't even have to mail the app for a signature because we use a recorder.:yes:

The biggest and in my opinion the most important difference is that JD's business will stay on the books and stick vs. telesales. Someone like JD getting in front of your client you sold over the phone, you won't stand a chance of that business sticking. You'd have to take the difference in what you 'may' not spend (and that's a big 'may') and pump that difference into some kind of client retention system on steroids.

If you are mainly concerned about getting first year without a chargeback you 'may' have an advantage. If gas gets to $7 to $10 per gallon you may have a good argument there as well.

The best group of marketers that sell by phone and were probably one of the first to come up with the idea will tell you it doesn't work with life insurance as a viable longterm plan. Now when the day comes when you can't be replaced I (independent agent) and a few other top marketers might change their mind if your client gets locked in with your plan by not being able to replace it.

With that said, you are one of the best phone agents I've ever spoken with. You have mastered your skill. No doubt I think you sell. I just don't think it stays on the books like it should. There's also no opportunity for cross sell either. Meybe opportunity but no strong method for doing it.
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Re: Bugs.....

The biggest and in my opinion the most important difference is that JD's business will stay on the books and stick vs. telesales. Someone like JD getting in front of your client you sold over the phone, you won't stand a chance of that business sticking. You'd have to take the difference in what you 'may' not spend (and that's a big 'may') and pump that difference into some kind of client retention system on steroids.

If you are mainly concerned about getting first year without a chargeback you 'may' have an advantage. If gas gets to $7 to $10 per gallon you may have a good argument there as well.

The best group of marketers that sell by phone and were probably one of the first to come up with the idea will tell you it doesn't work with life insurance as a viable longterm plan. Now when the day comes when you can't be replaced I (independent agent) and a few other top marketers might change their mind if your client gets locked in with your plan by not being able to replace it.

With that said, you are one of the best phone agents I've ever spoken with. You have mastered your skill. No doubt I think you sell. I just don't think it stays on the books like it should. There's also no opportunity for cross sell either. Meybe opportunity but no strong method for doing it.

His other problem is that he thinks he knows how how I do business. No change that, he does know and gets on here says it differently. Why would he do that?
Re: Bugs.....

I think dogs are the biggest pain. People think their dogs are so cute, as they jump all over you. Of course we smile and we also pretend, how cute the dog is. I have been nipped a few times, oh how cute he is as he grabs your pant leg.