Buh Bye Assurant - Up for Sale / Exiting Market

Before Obama took over the industry by fiat, the consumer was able to pick the type of plan and coverage that fit their needs. Prices were determined, not by DC but by the market.

If a carrier underpriced the market and got hosed they tried to make it up in the following years. If they were too high they corrected, or retreated from the market.

Only the strong survived.

Now that is all gone and you can only buy what the govt says you can and must have or else pay a fine.
With POTUS help finally going to be out sourcing healthcare via medical tourism... The one thing I thought it would be impossible to outsource to foreign lands...
But he will give many no other choices
I have a couple clients where it is going to make a huge difference if they lose the Assurant coverage next year. Bummer . . .
I wonder who will be next to follow Assurant's lead OUT of the market - surely the dominos are beginning to fall - they are all having huge losses :biggrin:
reading all of the posts here tells me one thing, its getting close to closing time maybe. Arizona has 4 carriers who already dont pay commission? I had no idea.

And yes, Assurant was the few or one who did seem more pro agent than the rest all along, even way back when ACA was just an idea.

The subsidies for carriers are scheduled to drop, they will be looking for $$$ anywhere they can find em. Maybe between a 50$ signup fee, a commission from teledoc, and a production bonus for dental I can set myself up to be a 1099 navigator.

I see UHC introducing more plans though and gobbling up small local players all the time. Something about the name UHC resonates all too much with USA. Maybe they are vying for the role of the nation's insurer under a single pay system LOL. With all this maturation in the industry I wonder if that had anything to do with the price drop in Ehealht a month back from 30 a share to 10. Maybe some people know things us little guys know nothing about.
And yes, Assurant was the few or one who did seem more pro agent than the rest all along, even way back when ACA was just an idea.

Remember without the agent community, Assurant would never of done so much business. They aren't on ehealth, no one knew about them off-exch last year w/out an agent, and this year .... these people still dont know the difference between and hmo and ppo ... :D
Cig Global tells me they will insure foreigners living in usa. Not aca compliant though..and they underwrite.. They pay way above zero percent commission
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Something about the name UHC resonates all too much with USA.

They have a fairly large client base in group. Their affiliation with AARP doesn't hurt either (at least as far as name recognition goes).

I haven't had a reason to use them in years although I did write a fair amount of GR in the past. Times were different then and they were my go to carrier for a couple of years before they got really stupid.

They spend way too much time trying to figure out how to screw over policyholders to really be a serious player in the Obamacrap market.