Building Trust

Well, I teach getting exclusive leads. Either hire telemarketers or telemarket yourself. COI is not gonna get a new agent those 3 deals per week every week they need to get off the ground and stay off the ground. Not to say they shouldn't contact friends and family, but that will just supplement their business.

Individual health is obviously different from life. Everyone needs life. A very small percentage of people need individual health since most have solid group coverage.

I have a sister who works as an accountant. She gets free health insurance from her company so I doubt she's gonna be a client.
Well, I teach getting exclusive leads. Either hire telemarketers or telemarket yourself. COI is not gonna get a new agent those 3 deals per week every week they need to get off the ground and stay off the ground. Not to say they shouldn't contact friends and family, but that will just supplement their business.

Individual health is obviously different from life. Everyone needs life. A very small percentage of people need individual health since most have solid group coverage.

I have a sister who works as an accountant. She gets free health insurance from her company so I doubt she's gonna be a client.

Well I am for the most part a Life Agent, so I guess you have a point about selling Health Insurance.
I tout this as a job - work 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week. Again, I agree with contacting friends and family and also having them get you referrals. But that's not gonna keep a new agent busy 8 hours a day.

Grab the phone and start making calls. It seems people don't want to do what it takes sometimes. My father's friend is a retired State Farm agent - 32 years in the biz. We've talked several times and back in the day when he was new it was called "the phone book" - start making calls. He cold called out of the phone book for years until he built his business. Other older life agents will gladly tell you about residential door to door.

It's ironic that we are now in this fantastic age of the internet and technology and it's never been harder to start selling insurance. With all the fancy crap available I have marketers making cold calls.....just like 30 years ago.
I don't know, once I got pass the NAA crap and the Sterling marriage I have done pretty well and have yet to employ buying leads or using a telemarketer. I have done my share of cold calling, once again the COI isn't a selling system but more of a total book of business. I never touted that it was the only thing, but it is the foundation of ones business.

Once you gain a client that person becomes a part of your COI, you now approach them in a similiar manner of other associates. Let's not build trust and a relationship and then walk away from it.
Depends on what's considered doing well. Mike Golden - who's with me through Assurant - buys telemarketed leads. Just today alone he wrote five deals - 3 Assurant for over $11,000 in volume, one term life for $150 a month and a GTL health deal. All totalled he made over $5,000 in commission today. You're not gonna do that on COI. That takes leads.

Mike's also wrote 2 deals before today with Assurant and he should wind up the week oh.....around $8,000+

I'm on three deals so far this week for just over $12,000 AV which is $3,000. I also need a system when I hire agent so they can get off the ground and stay there. Most are very uncomfortable with the notion of contacting their friends and family at first.
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Depends on what's considered doing well. Mike Golden - who's with me through Assurant - buys telemarketed leads. Just today alone he wrote five deals - 3 Assurant for over $11,000 in volume, one term life for $150 a month and a GTL health deal. All totalled he made over $5,000 in commission today. You'd not gonna do that on COI. That takes leads.

Mike's also wrote 2 deals before today with Assurant and he should wind up the week oh.....around $8,000+

I'm on three deals so far this week for just over $12,000 AV which is $3,000. I also need a system when I hire agent so they can get off the ground and stay there. Most are very uncomfortable with the notion of contacting their friends and family at first.

Who is GTL???? I am not familiar with that insurance company.
Who is GTL???? I am not familiar with that insurance company.

GTL (Guarantee Trust Life) has a pretty good health plan that is very cost competitive. I use them for clients who want a low cost plan with office copay or who are on HBP or Cholesterol meds and have it under control (no rate up with $2500 deductible or higher).

E-mail me if you would like to get contracted, I can get it done in about 5 [email protected]
GTL (Guarantee Trust Life) has a pretty good health plan that is very cost competitive. I use them for clients who want a low cost plan with office copay or who are on HBP or Cholesterol meds and have it under control (no rate up with $2500 deductible or higher).

E-mail me if you would like to get contracted, I can get it done in about 5 [email protected]

I did not see them listed up here in the MD area, and I am curious to find out more about them. Looks like a last resort type of plan. You talk about a $2500 deductible, athough the website says the minimum is $25,000. Either they wrote that wrong, Florida's plan is different or I need to learn to read better :) Congrats on the sales. I have heard good things about you.

Preferred Catastrophic Plan:
Health insurance to assist with larger medical expenses.

Maximum Lifetime Benefit of $1,000,000 per covered person
Calendar Year Deductibles from $25,000 to $50,000, in increments of $5,000*
Issue ages: 18-63 years old
Individual and Family coverage available
Guarantee Renewable (may vary by state)
Common Disaster Provision
Survivor’s Coverage
Beach Street PPO
100% coverage for in-network benefits
80% coverage plus an additional $5,000 deductible for out-of-network benefits