Building Trust

Depends on what's considered doing well. Mike Golden - who's with me through Assurant - buys telemarketed leads. Just today alone he wrote five deals - 3 Assurant for over $11,000 in volume, one term life for $150 a month and a GTL health deal. All totalled he made over $5,000 in commission today. You're not gonna do that on COI. That takes leads.

Mike's also wrote 2 deals before today with Assurant and he should wind up the week oh.....around $8,000+

I'm on three deals so far this week for just over $12,000 AV which is $3,000. I also need a system when I hire agent so they can get off the ground and stay there. Most are very uncomfortable with the notion of contacting their friends and family at first.

Well then don't contact friends and family! Still the COI is there still with the warm market, I find most are more comfortable within their circle, esp. at first. Granted, you know your product or products before you launch into sales that is. Once again, I do cold call and that only increases my COI as I move forward.

A while back for an example a friend of the family John, I don't know all that well suggest I go visit him and his wife. They have no insurance outside of the work place (both are PA's so this isn't the norm per say) and he was wanting a WL or UL to supply his daughter of a previous marriage a legacy, believe it or not this is not that uncommmon with families that have gone thru a divorce. I ended up with quite a few cases out of his referrrals, remind you I don't call referrals! I'll mail them a Newsletter and a letter, its up to them to call or contact me at first that is the cost of people willing to share contacts with me, it has served me well. Obviously this does take some time as in cold calling (telephone or feet) is needed, I agree with that esp. at first.

Well going back to John my occassional aquaintence or friend of the family, he gave such referrals via his employment with KOC (knoxville othor clinic) that I actually sit back now and myself quite amazed on how much business I wrote via One Contact! That is not mentioning the size of some cases! Oh well, I suppose success is a relative term, I do sell life products esp with my COI, most everyone I know have great medical plans via employment, including me via my wife. The State Plan, in fact no deductible or its waived if we use UTMC services or Doctors. Our Dental has no limits, while not perfect the Oral Surgeon said its one of his favorite plans as far as dental goes. So I can see where depending upon the COI for medical could be problematic. Yet I have experience how it has yielded great results with life products.
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