Business Plan / Production Expectations

Others may disagree with this, but the chamber, by itself, does not help at all. It is a place for you to talk to other business owners, to network, to find out what others are doing and what works for them (along with what doesn't). In short, it helps increase the 'people I know' category.

It is usually a room full of realtors, mortgage brokers and insurance guys, so don't look to write a lot of business, especially initially, unless you have a real niche. Depending on your personality, you may find it helps keep you motivated.

Basically, this is true of almost every networking group out there. None of them work, unless you work them.

The one thing the chamber does usually bring you is information about the local happenings around town, along with better knowledge of who is who in the local businesses. It's partly just becoming a community advocate.

My statement wasn't an endorsement for joining the chamber, just a thought of a passive marketing idea. Some chambers have various 'leads' groups that you can join as well, which can be a lot more helpful in actually actively growing your business.

If you go to any "networking function" about the only people you'll find are sales people starving for business just as much as you. It can be great for transactional business that is in demand, read not insurance.

If you really want to meet business owners, join the Rotary, make the local golf tournament, Kiwanis, Masons, Knights of Columbus, coach a youth sport, whatever. And be prepared not to talk business. Join it because you believe in what it does, and the business will come, two, three or more years down the road. If you try to force the business, the best that can happen is they kick you out for it. At least then you'd know where you went wrong.
Some will pooh-pooh it, but find a good BNI group with a heavy B2B concentration. The group will force you to refine your message and provide you with leads.

Rotary, Lions, and Kiwanis is another great idea. These groups are mostly community leaders and business owners, and will have good contacts - just don't push business until you establish a working relationship with the members.

Chambers are mostly worthless, as previously mentioned. Coaching sports teams works, but you have two issues - one is that it's time consuming, the other is that unless you have kids you look like a pedophile. Oh, and you get to deal with parents living vicariously through their kids.
BNI works for some and not for others. I like the BNI concept but it didn't work for me. I was in a chapter for a year and made some really good friends from it but the business from it was meager. However, it was a new chapter that struggled and never got more than about 15 members before folks would start dropping. I've been gone several months now and my friends still involved say they are still about at 15. It seems from my visits to other BNI groups, you need at least 25 or more people before the referrals start to really flow. If you can get into a larger group, go for it! If, on the other hand, the group is one of those 10 to 15 member groups, be wary.
As for the Chamber, it's not a lead source. It's a way to gain some visibility.
None of the aforementioned "meetings" work consistently enough to warrant the effort and time put in to it with some exceptions.

Everyone says they will refer their so-and-so to you but you know that rarely happens. I personally prefer investing time and money into my own marketing.

Good luck.

The chamber of commerce can be extremely valuable method of developing leads. You have to understand passive marketing to make it work. In essence, you go to chamber functions I.E. they usually have one each month (Breakfast, Luncheon, Business Mixer / Business After Hours) attend as many as possible.

When you are there, you introduce your self to everyone you can with a business card in hand. Once you exchange names (here comes the killer part), ask them about their business, what they do etc. People like to hear themselves talk and have people interested in them. You have done both and now they like you. Because of this, you will be remembered. Go to the next meeting do it again. Go to the next meeting do it again, Wash, Rinse and Reload.

People will start seeing you often, this shows stability which [FONT=&quot]subconsciously builds trust and faith in the consumer. They are comfortable as they see you all the time and people like to do business with those that they are comfortable with. Before you know it, you won't have to market as your referrals will keep you busy.

Another option would be internet leads. We use them as well and have for years now. The big difference is that we generate them ourselves so the quality is much greater than the lead companies making conversions much higher and considerably more profitable.
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