CA New Driver Insurance Question


New Member
Hello, I'm 18 and I've had my license for a few months now and I wanna buy a car now(1996 Honda civic ex) and I've gotten quotes and there about $250+ per month and I was wondering if i put my dad as a Co-owner will the insurance way cheaper? P.s. I just want the cheapest insurance no coverage ect.
Cheap isn't always good. Buy as much insurance as you can afford b/c insurance protects you from the unexpected. I always hate to see people lose everything just because of an accident. Aside, insurance for your age/driving record/sex normally determine premiums.
Adding your dad wouldn't do what you are looking for.
The best thing is to tough it out, keep a CLEAN driving record, check around for discounts, and buy as much as you can afford to protect yourself.
The older you get and the safer you drive the cheaper it gets :)
What state are you in? It's hard to give decent advice without knowing the state (rules change a lot!).

In general, if you still live at home, you'll be better off on your parents policy, it usually entitles you to some discounts you won't get having your own standalone auto policy.

96 Honda Civic - get a liability only policy rather than comp/collision if possible. It will save you a good chunk of change.

Don't use your parents insurance company, you are a different risk factor then your parents and what is good for them is likely not good for you.

Cheap isn't always good. Buy as much insurance as you can afford b/c insurance protects you from the unexpected. I always hate to see people lose everything just because of an accident. Aside, insurance for your age/driving record/sex normally determine premiums.
Adding your dad wouldn't do what you are looking for.
The best thing is to tough it out, keep a CLEAN driving record, check around for discounts, and buy as much as you can afford to protect yourself.
The older you get and the safer you drive the cheaper it gets :)
well I just need a basic insurance because i would only use to car to go to school and back so i really see the point of spending $300+ month for a car i barely use

What state are you in? It's hard to give decent advice without knowing the state (rules change a lot!).

In general, if you still live at home, you'll be better off on your parents policy, it usually entitles you to some discounts you won't get having your own standalone auto policy.

96 Honda Civic - get a liability only policy rather than comp/collision if possible. It will save you a good chunk of change.

Don't use your parents insurance company, you are a different risk factor then your parents and what is good for them is likely not good for you.

What state are you in? It's hard to give decent advice without knowing the state (rules change a lot!).

In general, if you still live at home, you'll be better off on your parents policy, it usually entitles you to some discounts you won't get having your own standalone auto policy.

96 Honda Civic - get a liability only policy rather than comp/collision if possible. It will save you a good chunk of change.

Don't use your parents insurance company, you are a different risk factor then your parents and what is good for them is likely not good for you.


I live in California, and how does it work if i was in my parents policy? would it be way cheaper? Oh okay Dan, thanks for the advice!
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One other thing to consider...if you live at home and are considered a dependent (do your parents claim you on taxes) carrying coverage to low can be disastrous.

In most states if you're a dependent anything you're liable for can come back to your parents. So if you mow down someone in a cross walk, heirs can go after your parents too. If one or both aren't listed on your policy, they MAY be left swinging.
California requirements states you need 15/30/5 ($15,000 for bodily injury per person, $30,000 max per incident and $5000 property damage).

Insurance Requirements for Vehicle Registration

How safe can you be as a driver depends on your attitude, personality, etc...however, you're in a age rating where most do get into an accident one way or another.

With that said, what's the potential or limitations with the state hit a nice Mercedes or BMW then $5000 property damage may not cut it and they will go after you for more.

If you injure someone and they break bones, $15,000 doesn't cut in California is expensive.

Before you go on saying you need cheap insurance, realize agents will sell you cheap, but won't explain the policy with you and leave you exposed (especially if you have savings or started to have savings/investments)

Oh btw, liability limits are just for your liability, doesn't cover yourself or your car. Since it's 1996, it's not a big issue, but if you're injured, are you prepared to shell out money for your own injuries?
Hello, I'm 18 and I've had my license for a few months now and I wanna buy a car now(1996 Honda civic ex) and I've gotten quotes and there about $250+ per month and I was wondering if i put my dad as a Co-owner will the insurance way cheaper? P.s. I just want the cheapest insurance no coverage ect.
yes cheap insurance is good but if you injure someone you'll get in serious troubles and you'll pay a big deal of money
Give us a cal and ask for Rico, he is our Auto insurance specialist. he will set you up with a standard A rated insurance Co.