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California ends health insurance gender bias - The Reporter
I'm sure she has never complained about the Discrimination Men receive when they purchase car insurance. What no tobacco questions?
No it accounts for statistical costs associated with that subset of the pool...Forget Car insurance analogies for a minute and think Fire Insurance policies you pay more because your home is further from a Fire Station because of the additional property damage that will result from the increased response time.
When Cherise Khaund went shopping for health insurance for herself and her two daughters, she had no clue that being a woman would cost her.
But as the Walnut Creek resident scanned the premiums for her new Blue Shield of California plan in early 2009, she saw that prices varied by two factors: age and gender. In one year's time, she would pay $408 more than a man for the same plan.
"I was so shocked. I thought only other countries were able to discriminate like that based on gender," said Khaund, 37.
Still, she signed up.
I'm sure she has never complained about the Discrimination Men receive when they purchase car insurance. What no tobacco questions?
The basic idea of insurance is that the risk is supposed to be spread across the entire pool," she said.
"Once you start identifying certain populations and saying they have to pay more for various reasons, then that defeats the purpose of insurance
No it accounts for statistical costs associated with that subset of the pool...Forget Car insurance analogies for a minute and think Fire Insurance policies you pay more because your home is further from a Fire Station because of the additional property damage that will result from the increased response time.
So one could say that this law once again legitamizes Age Discrimination because that is the only factor left standing according to the first sentence of this article.When gender no longer can be used as a factor, the costs associated with it will be spread across the entire risk pool, he said.
In general, younger men's premiums will increase and younger women's would decrease as a result of the law, Epstein said. At the same time, "older women might get an increase and older men might get a decrease."
Insurers accept the law and will work to implement it, Johnston said. "It is important that people understand the costs don't disappear," he said.