Calling Prospects on a Sunday, Anyone Do It?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Just curious if anyone calls on Sunday to set up for Monday...?

Are the folks usually receptive to receiving calls on Sunday?
Just curious if anyone calls on Sunday to set up for Monday...?

Are the folks usually receptive to receiving calls on Sunday?

I've done it before. You get a lot of people at home, they will answer their phones too, so your contact ratio is much higher than other other days. But you get a lot of people getting very angry that you called them on a sunday, especially in Florida. Florida has a lot of bible loving people.

My advice is, it would probbly be more productive to take the day off, and let your brain rest, so you can be that much more productive come monday. Dont burn yourself out.
Should you call me on Sunday, you stand almost a 0 percent of ever doing business with me.
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In friit depends. I would never cold call on Sunday. However I used to call direct mailer cards for Monday and had a favorable response. Plus they were less likely to forget than when I called on friday.
Some mixed opinions here.
I know a person who calls sunday evenings to set up for Monday and Tuesday. Calls Wednesday to set up for thurs and fri. Not sure what his no show ratio is like calling some 2 days in advance.
I have made calls on Sunday for years and it has never been an issue. I start around 4:30pm. I use to do this exclusively for years. Now I call Saturday mornings, but will call Sunday if I need to fill some slots in my day, or if I'm busy on Saturday.

Behind Saturday morning, Sunday (early evening) is the best time to call to set appointments. People are home!!! People are less likly to screen their calls on a Sunday too. That is the biggest obstacle of dialing during the week, in addition to trying to catch them at home.
Your post didn't specify whether you are making the initial call on a Sunday, or a call to a referral prospect on a Sunday.

If it is a 100% cold call, whereby you can't say, "John told me you would be interested in sitting down and talking, what does your schedule look like...", then I would not call. If, however, it is someone you have been introduced to, but have not yet written business with, I believe a Sunday call, to find out where in their schedule you fit would be okay.

I have done that before, and used the wording, "Do you have your calendar handy?"

Also, you would need to know:

  • their religion - if they are in church, you don't know if they are at services, or at someone's house for lunch
  • do they like football or baseball - is Sunday their day (like me, during football season) to plant it in front of the TV or go to a sports bar all day to blow off some steam
  • do they like to go antiquing or yard sale hopping - nothing more annoying than getting a sales call from someone you don't know while you are spending time with the family, getting some fresh air

We are in the relationship business, and a great part of what we do is help people provide for their families. Why disrupt the very aspect we are trying to protect?
We are in the relationship business, and a great part of what we do is help people provide for their families. Why disrupt the very aspect we are trying to protect?

A "temporary" disruption in order to offer "permanent" protection is a just and worthy cause.
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If, however, it is someone you have been introduced to, but have not yet written business with, I believe a Sunday call, to find out where in their schedule you fit would be okay.

I have done that before, and used the wording, "Do you have your calendar handy?"

I do like this approach. I think it would work well for the under 65 folks.
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