Car salesman part time P&C

Ok, let me reword the question. "I wonder what the GM will think of that?"

Nothing has been said to imply the dealership is aware or ok with it. And I think you just proved my point, and InsCommentary's as well. He is either going to sell insurance or cars, not both, at least not to the same people.

I thought I was agreeing with your points all along.
I thought I was agreeing with your points all along.

Gotcha, it didn't come across that way. I apologize but it came across as being pedantic to me.

I have to admit, I am surprised that much standard business is thinking about car insurance at the time of purchase. I always assumed it was more non-standard business coming from a dealership. Even so, I find people who have to do it "right now" are less than ideal clients anyway.
Gotcha, it didn't come across that way. I apologize but it came across as being pedantic to me.

Didn't mean it that way, so I'm sorry for coming across like that. I just meant to share my two bits (which aren't worth even that). I communicate much better in person than I do over the internet.
When I sold cars I had a local Geico agent paying me per lead and a local P&C broker paying for each lead. Each knew that I was referring my customers to multiple brokers. I made $70 between the two everytime I Had a customer call them from my desk and get a quote.
So do I understand correctly that they paid per lead, irrespective of whether the customer would buy from them or not? (I would assume, as the same lead would call more than one agent/broker). So they just bought leads from you, correct?
I am glad to share what I know with the OP. Send me a PM and we can exchange phone numbers. This is how I got started in the biz.
Couple quick points, this is NOT going to be lucrative in New car lots, mainly independent used car dealers and BHPH. Its also not for the faint of heart.
Yes, leads is the main thing. It sounds like a good opportunity. P&C is a great field. What type of compensation is the carrier offering you? I agree that it will depend in the dealership agreeing that you offer insurance to the prospects/ clients.