Career in Insurance/Financial sales


New Member
Hello all,

I have two offers on the table for a position as a financial sales agent. One with Prudential, one with a general agent for Mass Mutual. Both look to be good companies, etc. Any agents out there for either one, experiences, comments?
Hello all,

I have two offers on the table for a position as a financial sales agent. One with Prudential, one with a general agent for Mass Mutual. Both look to be good companies, etc. Any agents out there for either one, experiences, comments?

My pick would be MM.
Thanks for the feedback. Both offices here where I am located are top notch. The managing director at the local Prudential runs a top producing office and same for the local General Agent for MassMutual. Do you have any feedback as far as what a top first year agent might make?
Thanks for the feedback. Both offices here where I am located are top notch. The managing director at the local Prudential runs a top producing office and same for the local General Agent for MassMutual. Do you have any feedback as far as what a top first year agent might make?

Realistically expect to make $25-$50,000. If you are really good you can do better.
I"ve only had my license since April. I first signed with a small fraternal insruance company, was scantly trained and then thrown in the field on my own before I was comfortable or ready. Needless to say I didn't stay with them. I am currently with a health insurance brokerage but really would like to re- enter the life and investment game too. I really like the personal needs analysis approach. I recently applied for a Branch Office Adminsitrator positon for Edward Jones and an Administrative/Customer Service Assisitant position for Northwestern Mutual. I feel I would prefer to work in an office and become comfortable before selling myself.

Does anyone have an opinion or advice about working with Northwestern Mutual or Edward Jones.

I have already looked at both NWM and Edward Jones, decided against both. NWM is a good company with good products, I feel locally that either Prudential or Mass Mutual is a better fit.
The answer will depend on where you see your interest and market is. MM is a very good company that I have some experience with when the Conn Mutual. The market for them is professional/High affluent/business
Pru is a more diverse company and the advantage they have is that the have better brand awareness by comparison.
Take some time and think about where you see yourself in 2 years.
The answer will depend on where you see your interest and market is. MM is a very good company that I have some experience with when the Conn Mutual. The market for them is professional/High affluent/business
Pru is a more diverse company and the advantage they have is that the have better brand awareness by comparison.
Take some time and think about where you see yourself in 2 years.

Thanks Rivaeast, I had the same thoughts on brand awareness. Prudential seems to spend some money on keeping their name out there to. It also seems to be that the local MM office caters to a fairly affluent client base. I appreciate your post.