Career Transition


New Member
I am a Chiropractor in Georgia and am currently tossing around the idea of going into P & C
If anyone could give me suggestions to get started

I am a Chiropractor in Georgia and am currently tossing around the idea of going into P & C
If anyone could give me suggestions to get started. Thanks

I would research and interview with all the major captives in my market and I would talk to several independents. I would also pour over this forum. I would use the information gathered to make my decisions.
mlt - I know squat about P&C. At the top here, click on home. Than at the top click on forum and scroll down. Hundreds of previous posts for you to look at. Hope it helps. Good Luck !!
I am a Chiropractor in Georgia and am currently tossing around the idea of going into P & C
If anyone could give me suggestions to get started

I am a Life agent and also a P&C Agent and I think that being able to not leave the client looking for other people to provide them with one or more services is great that why I do both. But I will save you years of trouble and tell you that you want to be independent! You are also going to want to look at your IMO or GA or how ever you are working. Alot of times these folks have great info to help you.
Curious, why do you want to stop being a Chiropractor ? That seems like a pretty good gig, no cold calling required, or at least not the type that you will be getting into with insurance. Good money etc ... why change ?

Here are the colds hard facts from LIMRA:

Agent retention in the life insurance industry remains a perennial challenge for companies operating within the traditional career agency system. 68 percent of agents
leave companies within their first two years on the job and in 2005 the four-year agent retention rate was 14 percent, with a total annual turnover rate of 31 percent, according to
LIMRA's annual Agent Production and Survival survey. Although this retention percentage did increase in 2005, over the past 20 years agent retention has been unable to​
dramatically increase.

I am sure that P&C and Health are a little more positive but I don't know how much.
Do a lot of research. I work at a P&C agency. I do senior products there. They make a living replacing AllState, Nationwide, etc...They represent about 9 companies. It is rare that we can not beat someones rates. P&C is HIGLY competitive and there is not a lot of loyalty so you better have the best rates. You do get renewals for life. Prepare to work LONG hours. If you can get over the intial first couple of years it will not be too bad.