Carrier Commisson Rates

10/10? I guess this is why a lot of folks do the kinda-captive route with them in exchange for enhanced commission?

The only reason most people think they are kind of captive is because every agent who has them uses them as their primary. The conversion with them compared to other carriers in the industry is unreal so the 10 points starts to become irrelevant. We can still pick up other carriers if we choose to.
I get that they kill the competition in most cases. I was under the impression that their enhanced commission structure came along with a right of first refusal for a period of 2-3 years.

They don't do business here so I'm going completely on hearsay.
If you're a commercial agency...Erie is a GREAT CARRIER. If you're personal...they're just another preferred carrier. I hate to bash NYCphi...but he's flat out wrong here. When you're getting 15/15 plus simply can't justify placing you're business w/ a 10/10 carrier unless it's by necessity.

I get 10/10 from....well....NOBODY..

Lowest commission I get is Progressive at 10/10 w/ 2% override so 12/10.