Carriers that dont require f2f with e app

Whats the difference between Golden and Choice on American Amicable on Fex quotes? I'm assuming the more expensive Choice is for tele sales? There the hot company right now as all the big imo's moving to them. NSRH was there first but many big boys following now.

They are moving there because they see what we are doing. Price doesnt matter, service and claims processing is ALL THAT MATTERS. PERIOD.

AmAm is the best in the business. I was saying that before anyone knew it or believed me. Now they are all picking up the carrier.

They have a number of different product lines that an IMO can pick up.

The real big boys, have their own exclusive products.
Whats the difference between Golden and Choice on American Amicable on Fex quotes? I'm assuming the more expensive Choice is for tele sales? There the hot company right now as all the big imo's moving to them. NSRH was there first but many big boys following now.
He was there 1st because the man that built the company set it up that way before he sold it to NSRH's group. It was already the #1 FE call center when they bought it. :yes:
So whats the difference between the Choice plan and the Golden plan ? Do all f2f agents write the Golden?It's about 5% cheaper.Also does their paper app require a phone interview ?
So whats the difference between the Choice plan and the Golden plan ? Do all f2f agents write the Golden?It's about 5% cheaper.Also does their paper app require a phone interview ?

Honestly, not sure about the difference. Some plans have just an ROP and IMM plan... others have a Modified plan. Not sure exactly.

They are getting away from paperapps with all their products and moving to a smart app with instant decision.
Whats the difference between Golden and Choice on American Amicable on Fex quotes? I'm assuming the more expensive Choice is for tele sales? There the hot company right now as all the big imo's moving to them. NSRH was there first but many big boys following now.

Different imo's have different priced products its all 99% same Uw. We use "senior choice"