Changing directions...any input appreciated

Are you thinking of getting into investments also?

I plan on obtaining my ChFC and CLU within the next 2ish years for personal and professional reasons. I'm very interested in broadening my horizons by getting into life insurance, disability and financial planning.

I have thought about getting involved with securities, but I don't want to deal with the red tape associated with the NASD right now. I rather just focus on health, life and disability and partner up with somebody who does securities.

I got offered a job with Edward Jones a few years and strongly thought about it. Fortunately, my dumb-ass said no way and I decided to go with MEGA. LOL...

Things have worked out so far, but I have come to realize that at least 60% of my clients don't have a financial planner, accountant, etc. looking after their interests. Baffles me.......

We shall see if I add "investments" to my agency name down the road. It is a strong possibility!
I skippd my interview on Fri. I had appointments to go to. Funny thing is, I didn't call to tell them that I was not going to be there. So they called me about an hour after I was a no show wanting to reshedule with me. Is that a red flag? Why would they want to talk to me if I didn't even have the courtesy to tell thme I was not going to be there? Sounds like they will hire anyone.
Cmon, give 'em a break. You could have had a major car accident and been in the hospital, they had no idea why you didn't show!

Why they would want you? Overrides, baby!
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Don't let money be the only thing that motivates you.

Think in terms of what you will really enjoy doing and what is going to bring you and your family the very best quality of life. It isn't always money, in fact, it is very seldom just money.

I know plenty of agents who work the senior market who make well into six figures. If you like it then work harder and smarter. You have already taken a big step to working smarter. ;)
I am not saying I will not make enough money in the senior market. I thought that getting more info on investments might help me sell more annuities. Thats what I really want to do is sell more annuities.