Cheap Power Dialer for 1 Person

I guess I'm the *** here... not the first time! It would have been much more professional to simply say something like "Yes, I understand how the mistake could be made and I changed the post. Sorry for the confusion." I don't know what other faith systems teach, but Jesus teaches me to do my best to treat others the way I want them to treat me. It's really not all that hard to do... at least most of the time. "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." - Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well, Act 1, scene 1

You don know Rick isn't a believer?
100% mojo is the # 1 outbound dialer , always has been always will be. If you just want to dial through a list with landline voice quality 1-3 lines, you cant beat it. DYL is good too .
You forgot...NYlife is a moron of St Peters

That probably is comprehensible and makes sense to someone here... at some level. For the rest of us, perhaps you might elucidate just a bet?

"False face must hide what the false heart doth know."
-Shakespeare Macbeth Act 1, scene 7
Have been using and it's been working great. Tons of features and it's pretty cheap.

I tried these guys, they want a picture of your license, a utility bill, and a picture of your paypal account...because they said they had a ton of fraudulent activity on their dialer lately. I told them they could kiss my ass, not even opening a stock account is this invasive.