Cheapest 30 yr non med level term age 29

Are you appointed with them for annuities?

I like Burbon

They are direct.

FIA is not competitive last I checked.

They do have old school Fixed Rate Annuities that renew the rate each year, offer a minimum rate, and accept multiple years of premiums without rolling surrender charges. Not sure what the rates are at right now.
do you know the vendor doing this for the carriers? We use saliva kits on an extremely rare basis (small WL face amounts, teens, tobacco rate removal).....But most agents I work with have very outdated kits & I am sure those kits are paid for by carrier just to have them on a shelf that then expire, etc.

Would love to pass that on if you know which of the vendors is supplying the consumer kit/video, etc


Check you PM
Never taken any medicine . He'll never been to the dr . He won't take a physical . Who's the cheapest guaranteed 30 yr level $500 k ?
Ameritas or Fidelity.

Not cheapest but have awesome Living Benefits!