Christian Fidelity

Hey, thanks for the heads up. I called them and they said that I was set up with their minimum of $100 - so need to write another app next week so we get that Sprint bill paid each month. If not, they're an A+ company - so I think there're good for it.

Thanks again.

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Hey, thanks for the heads up. I called them and they said that I was set up with their minimum of $100 - so need to write another app next week so we get that Sprint bill paid each month. If not, they're an A+ company - so I think there're good for it.

Thanks again.

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Yeah, companies like that are good for it, not like LH. If your renewals with LH fall below $250 for the month, they keep the money. It doesn't roll over until you hit $250.

I got a surprise check in the mail this week from US Financial. I only have one policy with them, hell they haven't taken new business in 4 or 5 years, but they have a $75 minimum for checks. I think my renewal on that policy is 1%, might be 2%?. I got a check for a little over $76.

F&G until this year had a $100 minimum. I have several term policies with them out there from my NAA days. The renewals on those are 1%. I amke about $1000/yr from those so I used to get a $100 deposit about every 5 weeks. This year they went to a $10 minimum so I get a small deposit almost every week now from them. Shenandoah doesn't have a minimum. I get deposits from them every Friday. Today it was $2.60.:yes:
So that's why F & G started showing up with deposits again. Flashes - small ones too - from the NAA era.

Was with the Lampe group.

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They took the original Oxford rates and put them with Christian Fidelity but had to reduce the commissions so pricing worked. They rolled it out a couple years ago as an alternative sale product for people that were focused on rate but already had a low rate product. Ex. 70 F Non smoker wants 10k but has Lafeyette at $50 per month. Not many lower and if lower, not by much, this is when you would roll out the $44 per month and close the deal. Guess the mentality is, walking away with 55% is better than walking away with 0. I have sold a couple policies with them, usually just like the example but it definitely is not my lead in product.
What do renewals look like?
I think street is 2% through yr 5 and 1% 6-10. Like the 1st yr commissions, not great but a good back up plan in the right situation.

Umm...I think it's somewhere in the 175% over 10 years so that can't be right.