Christian Fidelity

FEXquotes has added several companies. Christian Fidelity is almost always among the lowest rates. Decided to check them out. They are a sister company with Oxford but are not even close tooxford in comissions.. the regional guy said the first year comission was 55%. Captives pay more than that!

Just wondering if they still have poor commissions like that or have they changed?
Thanks much, that's a trail this dog don't follow.
If you want a price buster, Kranjsko Slovenska Katoliska Jednota is usually right there with CF, and very often beats them in price. Kranjsko Slovenska Katoliska Jednota is a lot more liberal on there UW, probably 2nd only to Tranny. They pay 100% if you don't mind selling a Certificate and doing in home Baptisms.
If you want a price buster, Kranjsko Slovenska Katoliska Jednota is usually right there with CF, and very often beats them in price. Kranjsko Slovenska Katoliska Jednota is a lot more liberal on there UW, probably 2nd only to Tranny. They pay 100% if you don't mind selling a Certificate and doing in home Baptisms.

That sounds awesome!

Is that a Whole Life? I love the guarantees of Whole Life.
