Cica’s new chargeback rules

Vic it's enough that you need a carrier that accepts direct express .And there's few left . Do yourself a huge favor . Never and I mean never take any green dot , cash app , meta debit cards . 95% will lapse . They get paid on the 3rd of month from ss . Most get there check 4-5 days before the 3rd . It's disastrous payment . Now if you have a good Medicare client that refuses to allow drafting the only carrier I know of that will set direct monthly from day 1 is American amicable . I actually got 4-5 that have been on the books 3 plus yrs . But still do in very rare circumstances
True SSB due in sept so they'll be fine.
Well thats good news . Will they switch all those direct express and credit card 1st and 3rd draft date present policy holders over to ss billing automatically?
I talked to cica today . According to the rep who I've talked to before and seems sharp the chargeback only applys to advancement . I asked him 3 times . He said no chargeback on as earned . He also confirmed what you said Jd. No chargebacks on Rejected death claims .