Cigna Guaranteeing 20%?

I'll leave it at this; until I see a written communication from Cigna I would not count on 20% for 12 months through December.

If your Cigna rep is conveying this to your verbally I'd demand to see it in writing. If they refuse to put it in writing you'd have to stat wondering why.
Hummmmm....recived this today....

Dear Valued Broker,

CIGNA is committed to our Texas Brokers and to achieving continued success in the post-Health Care Reform
market. As a follow-up to the communication sent in July, this message provides additional information about how
CIGNA's position on Health Care Reform can help you win as well.

Our decision to not treat our Individual and Small Group insurance policies as grandfathered is one example of our
commitment to helping our customers improve their health, well-being and sense of security. Current CIGNA Individual
policyholders will receive the advantages of these improved benefits effective October 1, 2010. Premiums will not be
adjusted until the individual's next policy anniversary date (beginning with 10/1/2010 anniversaries). Small Group
customers will receive these improved benefits effective with their group renewal date.

Reasons for not treating our Individual and Small Group policies as grandfathered include:
  • CIGNA policies are already compliant with many of the new requirements.
  • Most of the new requirements apply regardless of grandfather status.
  • While the preventive care coverage mandate does not apply to grandfathered policies, not providing
    full coverage of preventive care services would be inconsistent with CIGNA's commitment to helping
    customers improve their health, well-being and sense of security.
The additional benefits available in our Individual and Small Group insurance policies include:

  • Exclusions for pre-existing conditions no longer apply to individuals under the age of 19.
  • Preventive care, including routine physicals which will be covered 100% in-network (no deductible)
  • Lifetime and annual dollar limits on essential health benefits have been removed.
We hope that fully understanding CIGNA's position on grandfathering will help you recommend CIGNA more confidently.
Closer to October 1, customers will receive a letter outlining these benefits in more detail and a copy will be shared with
you as well.

I think you'll agree that CIGNA's decision is a win for our customers, and for you, our valued brokers. If you have any
questions or concerns, feel free to call me at (972) 863-5168.

Quote CIGNA today on

Thank you for continuing to support CIGNA's Individual and Family plans in Texas.

Chas Pierce
Smart move on CIGNA's part!

This week I wrote health applications on 4 individuals/families by simply telling them that their current policy will not include most of the benefits that new policy holders are getting courtesy of health reform.

CIGNA is nipping this potential loss of customers in the bud by taking away the shortcomings of being "grandfathered".

I hope not too many other companies follow CIGNA's example because these 9/23/10 mandates are excellent for converting leads into new customers.

By adding this cost burden to its entire book of business, CIGNA will probably have to cut commissions more than they were considering prior to this decision?
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3 Months Left to Take Advantage of 2010 Commission Rates

For Individual policies that are written during the remainder of 2010 (up to and including December 15
effective dates), CIGNA will continue to pay commissions based on the current 2010 commission
schedule for the first 12 months of the policy.

What does this mean?
20% first year commissions for all business effective in 2010.

Log in to to review our competitive rates, plan options and send a proposal to
your prospects. Start taking advantage of the 20% commission today.

Or, call your local CIGNA sales representative or CIGNA Sales Support at 1-877-CIGNA-15,
8am – 8pm Eastern Time, Monday – Friday.

Thank you for continuing to support CIGNA's Individual and Family plans.
I encourage everyone to send this to reps and corporate persons on companies NOT guaranteeing 12 months first year comp. You know who they are. Proves what an over reaction and BS most if this is in the name if the health bill.

Too little too late anyhow...