Cigna underwriting?


5000 Post Club
Hey I have a couple, they both only take one med each whatever it is BP or cholesterol whatever just basic

Anyway I submitted them 12/12 and they are still pending we call over ever few days and I keep getting told this is normal its fine just give it more time

I have not seen underwriting this long since 2015 and even then not with 1 basic med

Is anyone else having issues with their underwriting? are they truly taking crazy long across the board?
I have a mapd pending with them since 12-18 . I'll never write another Cigna . I had to write 40 or so aep as they were the only carrier with a good product in2 countys . But there horrid . During aep was taking 2-3 weeks to get approvals when United approves in 24 hrs
I've had the same thing happen with Cigna. Wrote the latest app for supp on 12/6. Finally issued on 12/31. Others that I wrote before that during AEP was about the same timeframe until issue. Way too long.
This is just a guess but probably nobody really cares. Blue Cross is getting ready to swallow up and get rid of most of the Cigna employees after merger.
I'm having the same experience! Wrote 2 policies around 12/16 and here it is 1/9 and they still haven't been processed at all. The rep "escalated" a support ticket because apparently they SHOULD at least be showing in the system by now but they aren't. Nothing shows in my broker portal regarding these applications. Doesn't inspire confidence.
I was on hold for 2 hours multiple times with them after the end of AEP. Their rates are good in MO and once somebody gets in, I don't have any service issues, but getting a policy issued has been a total pain.

I stopped giving them any of my T65 business. My clients have been much happier with Wellabe's near instant turn around on new business and so have I.