Cigna underwriting?


5000 Post Club
Hey I have a couple, they both only take one med each whatever it is BP or cholesterol whatever just basic

Anyway I submitted them 12/12 and they are still pending we call over ever few days and I keep getting told this is normal its fine just give it more time

I have not seen underwriting this long since 2015 and even then not with 1 basic med

Is anyone else having issues with their underwriting? are they truly taking crazy long across the board?
I have a mapd pending with them since 12-18 . I'll never write another Cigna . I had to write 40 or so aep as they were the only carrier with a good product in2 countys . But there horrid . During aep was taking 2-3 weeks to get approvals when United approves in 24 hrs
I've had the same thing happen with Cigna. Wrote the latest app for supp on 12/6. Finally issued on 12/31. Others that I wrote before that during AEP was about the same timeframe until issue. Way too long.
This is just a guess but probably nobody really cares. Blue Cross is getting ready to swallow up and get rid of most of the Cigna employees after merger.