Yeah, I'm done responding to your negative drivel man. Enjoy taking pot shots at everybody who still has some enthusiasm left.
I think it's great that you're optimistic about your career with Farmers, and I hope you blow em' away. There is nothing wrong with drinking a little 'Kool-Aid' when you start your career. I did it, heck, I'm still drinking my share. As to your earlier post, I'm not an indy agent, I'm captive too. Like you, I happen to LOVE my captive company and plan to be with them for a very long time. All companies have their up years and their down years, you just gotta stick with it through them all.
Don't get burnt out on the forum. We need more P&C guys and gals around here. This is a great place to exchange ideas and find new ways to market yourself.
Shoot me a PM sometime if you want to exchange some ideas. I'm not exactly a vet, but I've been doing this about 3 years and I feel like I'm doing pretty good. I'm about 3 hours north of you in Oklahoma, so our markets are not all that different.