CMS Screws Agents

How do you explain all this in 45 mins? Do you mail them a kit beforehand and review before you meet them? as stated by some, this is a good 2 hour presentation even if they are familiar with ma's.
It in no way is a two hour presentation.

You have to go through the presentation. That does not mean you have to spend 5 minutes per page.

I have stated from the beginning, all my MA sales are from Financial Planners and my folks (both who, by the way, are on MA Plans, dad on Coventry, mom on Humana, and who understand it and are happy)

What's draining is having to "rationalize" to others why I will continue to provide these plan types to others.

If it takes you 2 hours to get the idea of Major Medical, pay as you go, plans to others than One, if not Both of you shouldn't be in that room.

From this point on, I'll be on the sideline, watching all your barbs, back and forth, about MA, CMS, etc.

My hope is that you all make money at this, and do what is best for your clients.

I'll be participating on other forum discussions. I'm too tired to go through this again.

The only people screwed here are the new agents. It will be impossible to break into this field and market yourself. Its too expensive up front to make any real money within the first two years.

But for veterean agents who have a book of business, this is what we have been asking for.

A renewal.

So what I am hearing is that most people here would rather see $400 with no renewal than $1000 spread over 5 years.

If that is the case, than you guys are crazy.

Now if the commission is going to be $100, then I agree that sucks, but anything around $200 is perfect for me.
It's based on the 2006 commission + inflation.

We're looking at $350/175 tops

I came to the same conclusion on the amount of FYC.

Keep in mind that we will be paid the renewal ($175) in 2009 until CMS gets a report sent to the carriers of all Initial Enrollees (for the life of me, I don't know why the carriers wouldn't already know this). The carriers then will then be authorized to pay the amount on those applications short ($175) retroactive to these agents.

My question, if this is the case, is "are they going to pay us interest on the $175 withheld until paid?" (I'm turning blue holding my breath...:swoon: )

So, if you sell to T-65s or Med Sup prospects, you will fare better. The agents selling to MA enrollees who want to switch plans will only get the $175. Where do you think the emphasis will be placed? And who do you think will come out on the short end? (I'm not asking about commissions on the second question)

It's based on the 2006 commission + inflation.

We're looking at $350/175 tops

Its the average of 06 and 07 plus any bonuses that may have been paid plus inflation.

If you count 07 Street plus Bonus for Secure Horizons your looking at $600.

In 06 Pacificare paid $250 (Thats before S Horizons bought them out)
So if you add them you get the total of $850... divide that by 2 and add for inflation and the renewals should be a little more than $200.

I could be wrong, but that is how I am seeing things.