CMS: STM Limited to 3 Months - No Renewal Allowed

We made comments at the link. Writing resulted in response of promoting "aca" and its wonderful benefits by people who are "all set" with their rich benefit bcbs plans paid for by tax payers
"This outreach will provide consumers with the information they need to enroll in Medicare if they are eligible and end their Marketplace coverage if they choose to."

translates to "enroll everyone into a $0 per month MA plan"...I hate this government.
"This outreach will provide consumers with the information they need to enroll in Medicare if they are eligible and end their Marketplace coverage if they choose to."

translates to "enroll everyone into a $0 per month MA plan"...I hate this government.

Must set up calls to clients well ahead of T65, as they have. Marketplace seems now to be be notified when clients on SSDI become Medicare eligible. Just happened with my policyholder who got Medicare 6 months earlier than expected. He didn't understand who called, wound up with original Medicare and a drug plan. CMS governs both, now have made the connection.
No clue if this is in 7 pages of posts, but I just went to UHC and they aren't quoting STM plans past 7/31.
Not having that problem. Just ran a quick quote for FL start date 8-1 end date 12-31.


Just ran 75205 and am getting the same results.
On weekly conference call with AWHIB (Association for Web Health Insurance Brokers) of which we and other top tier companies are members and STM came up. In short:

A. rules are still being reviewed
B. most feel they will either not be put in place or be drastically changed.

Additionally many other issues with STM which have already been brought up here.

If I hear anything else I'd be glad to share as comes available.
60 day comment period ends today or in next couple days.
Disaster for many Americans if they once again take away our choices.

If allowed to stay for 11-12 months, then next year's theme will be buy STM because the ACA premiums are so high, you're exempt from the penalty since lowest bronze will be more than 8.13% of your income.