Commision On annuities

So newbie question here. I am currently with an FMO but I hear you guys talking about doing annuities directly with the carrier. What are the benefits of doing annuities directly with the carrier versus through your FMO?
  • So newbie question here. I am currently with an FMO but I hear you guys talking about doing annuities directly with the carrier. What are the benefits of doing annuities directly with the carrier versus through your FMO?
Many carriers do not allow you to contract directly with them so it is not always an option. Of the ones that do generally there seems to be no benefit except perhaps clearer communication sometimes (Not always). The only exception seems to be Midland and North American. Their products are exactly the same in my opinion but the Midland products are a little higher comp and allow you to contract directly and North American you must be contracted via a FMO. For other carriers I don't think it matters and having a FMO may provide extra things that a carrier won't like more trips, lead programs, additional case assistance, research etc.

Just my 2 cents. Hope it helps.