commission question


Hey yall. I am a newer agent. I have never made this mistake before. I did not see the "new to medicare" selection for a client on an application for IEP. I selected "I am new to medicare, and I was notified about getting Medicare after my part A and/or B coverage started." Do you think I will still receive a full turning 65 commission? I will contact Aetna in the morning. TIA
Hey yall. I am a newer agent. I have never made this mistake before. I did not see the "new to medicare" selection for a client on an application for IEP. I selected "I am new to medicare, and I was notified about getting Medicare after my part A and/or B coverage started." Do you think I will still receive a full turning 65 commission? I will contact Aetna in the morning. TIA
In Michigan you would
Yeah, you don't have to tell the company the person is T65 on the app. It's self-evident.
okay perfect! Thats why when I didn't see , new to medicare turning 65 in the app, I didn't stress about it bc it's obvious but at the same time then I got randomly scared 😩Thank you!