Companies Will Start Only Hiring Part Time.

What will happen is if you work for an employer who does not use "skilled labor", you may see all health insurance dropped or hours reduced below any standard required.

With unemployment at 10% this is an employers market, they call the tune for hiring. For non-skilled business it's just going to be a math problem and they'll go with the best answer.
Folks, you need to add three words to your lexicon:

full time equivalency

It will make you sound more credible, but it's also there for the people trying to get around going above 50 EE's. Let's say they have 40 FT and 20 PT, that's the equivalent of 50 FT EE's, so they are mandated to offer benefits or pay the fine. It's that simple.

And yet that devious. Lots of ER's are going to be screwed if their accountant and/or broker don't alert them.
Folks, you need to add three words to your lexicon:

full time equivalency

It will make you sound more credible, but it's also there for the people trying to get around going above 50 EE's. Let's say they have 40 FT and 20 PT, that's the equivalent of 50 FT EE's, so they are mandated to offer benefits or pay the fine. It's that simple.

And yet that devious. Lots of ER's are going to be screwed if their accountant and/or broker don't alert them.

Why not drop to 100 PT? You don't have to offer it to PT do you?
I have heard recruiters state for years that 75% of our population will eventually be 1099. Not just for the healthcare reasons, there are many ways other than making them part time to accomplish not paying for benefits and saving a ton of money. 'WE' always W2 someone when 'we' need help?
100 PT is the equivalent of 50 FT, so yes, you would.

You are correct that 100 PT is 50 FT Equivalents and the group would be subject to those laws. However, if the employee benefit plan states that an eligible employee must be full-time, then the business would have to insure those eligible employees or pay the penalty. All the part-timers still get left in the rain.
One of the things I've noticed nowadays is that most of the employers are payroll companies. For instance yo think you work at Big Jakes Appliance Center but then when you ask you really work for the payroll company.

Maybe I'm wrong on this but I swear years back our payroll service was actually the ones employing our employees. :err:
75% of our population will eventually be 1099

It is not easy to make someone 1099. Just because they work less than 40 hours does not automatically mean they are part-time or 1099.