


Where can I go to find a list of companies that have independent agent contracts?
life companies and health companies
life companies and health companies

For health, just call up Scott at Health Choice One to see what's available in your area. It's such a geographical thing with health that he'd know better than I would.

For life, you can independently contract with a boatload of carriers. AIG, Allianz, Americo, Aviva, AXA, Banner, Assurity, ING, Genworth, Met, Minnesota Life, MoO, RBC, Prudential, North American, SunLife, Transamerica, UHL, NGL, WCL...

There are a lot. A...a lot. If you're just getting started, West Coast Life, RBC, and Assurity have solid product lines that can get you out of the gates. In life, the concepts are so similar from company to company that the trick to success is knowing the little things that set each one apart. I recommend starting with only two or three, learning their products inside and out, and then expanding your portfolio.